python web-server template
Web based ssh client
Python Client for MyGene.Info services.
llama-index readers web integration
Open WebUI
Jinja2 template bindings for the Pyramid web framework
WebSockets for bottle
A pytest wrapper with fixtures for Playwright to automate web browsers
an opinionated web framework that stays out of your way
Mako template bindings for the Pyramid web framework
Python LiveReload is an awesome tool for web developers
A Python SDK by LUCIT to use the Binance Websocket API`s (com+testnet, com-margin+testnet, com-isolated_margin+testnet, com-futures+testnet, com-coin_futures, us, tr, dex/chain+testnet) in a simple, fast, flexible, robust and fully-featured way.
Unified, type-safe access to web archive APIs.
Web testing library for Robot Framework
The powerful data exploration & web app framework for Python.
Web-based 3D visualization tools for Cirq.
This module contains the DOM types for the majority of the web APIs used in a web browser. These can be used by an IDE to give type hinting and completion during the development using DOM apis.
WebArena benchmark for BrowserGym
Create desktop applications with Flask/Django/FastAPI!
Return photo list and caption (markdown format) from web.
Prefect integrations for interacting with Amazon Web Services.
Scipy trait types
A Pylint plugin to help Pylint understand the Django web framework
Python & Command-line tool to gather text and metadata on the Web: Crawling, scraping, extraction, output as CSV, JSON, HTML, MD, TXT, XML.
A JavaScript / TypeScript / Python / C# / PHP cryptocurrency trading library with support for 100+ exchanges
This is an unofficial, use-at-your-own risks port of the webarena benchmark, for use as a standalone library package.
Lightweight SOAP client (community fork)
WebDAV server for AliyunDrive
A web server and web framework that's written to go fast. Build fast. Run fast.
Web mercator XYZ tile utilities
A set of useful tools built on top of standard Python threading module
Python library to work with ARC and WARC files, with fixes for ClueWeb09
Use any web browser as GUI
Client for Microsoft Exchange Web Services (EWS)
A library for converting a token stream into a data structure for use in web form posts
A complete web automation framework for end-to-end testing.
Web Statistics and Analytics Package
An extension of WebTest with useful extras, including requests-style authentication.
VisualWebArena benchmark for BrowserGym
A generic request and response interface for pyexcel web extensions.
A library to proxy web traffic through Home Assistant integrations.
A simple script to screenshot a list of websites
This is an unofficial, use-at-your-own risks port of the visualwebarena benchmark, for use as a standalone library package.
Telegram Web Util