Raspberry Pi Radio Studio Clock with Studio Indicators
A GPS clock and Nextion display tft writer
GUI clock for tkinter based projects
A Mopidy extension for using it as an alarm clock.
Clock widgets for Kivy
A python clock
COVID-19 Alarm Clock
Converts digit based time formats to the english language equivalent
Design Automation for Field-coupled Nanotechnologies
A small package for using the RV8803 real time clock via I2C
Time object subclassing datetime allowing diverting local clock mecanism
Pomodoro clock and timer
Provides access to posix timers (clock_gettime etc.) from Python.
COVID Alarm Clock
Desk clock for your Raspberry Pi.
A library for parsing human-written times and dates.
A Python pomodoro clock
Plone/Zope time based event mechanism
A Wrapper for the WittyPi2 Realtime Clock for the RaspberryPi
A clock-driven simulator for spiking neural networks
Helios GPU Controller dynamically reduces Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) clock speeds by leveraging insights from the current energy mix and meteorological data. Data is obtained by the SMARD API and Forecast.Solar. The goal is to reduce power consumption of non-renewable sources.
A macOS menu bar item which tells the time in words.
Virus reassortment inference software.Infers both recent and ancestral reassortment and uses flexible molecular clock constraints.