libaws is a program can implement amason web service ,such as download files from bucket and upload multipart files to bucket etc, which support resume from break point and create instance vpc subet etc from config file
A Django Library for jQuery File Upload.
This package is found useful for those who wants to modify their CSV file without using database.It creates a local server that having a functionality of uploading a csv file and then perform crud operations through browser itself.
Grab the locally-embedded tz database from the ziptz source and plug it into the uploaded project as a json file.
Store Django uploaded files as UUID files or inside UUID directories
Widget for uploading files from the client directly to a cloud storage bucket.
Upload DICOM files with patient und study data removed from header
Automatically convert graphviz DOT files into PNG images when uploading to JIRA
Client to upload files to the service
Upload Files to DMS
pyuploader is a simple command line tool for uploading data to a triple store and a file server.
A small wrapper to upload files to Snowflake
For programmatic upload of files to Cellencis
A Django application that offers direct uploading of files from your forms using Uploadify.
Upload Direct Debit files to FDS PostFinance
A storage system for Django that stores uploaded files in both the database and file system.
The micro autoindex and file hosting server with one Flask framework dependence, with ability to upload files.
A tool to upload Fastq files to the INSaFLU database and perform metagenomics pathogen detection
Azure Blob Store command line tool to download and upload files.
Upload SEPA files to FDS PostFinance
Dead simple drop-in multi file upload field for django forms using HTML5's multiple attribute.
Utility for uploading static site files to an S3 bucket
Simple but effective file uploading handler.
File upload functionality
upload local csv file to bigquery
File uploading for Frasco
Simple command to help download and upload big files to Google Drive (using their official Drive APIs)
Command line tool download and upload files
Upload Your Files to
A simple graphql client which also supports file upload
Provides necessary endpoints for uploading and downloading files
Simple project to validate FileFields/ImageFields, like max size of uploaded files.
pass in a encrypted file and kms key id, the package will decrypt the data, and upload the contents to aws ssm.
web framework support customing file upload processing
A Django app for the uploading of large files from the django admin site.
A simple tos decrator to download file,process and upload
sharepointsimple is a python library to upload and download the files from SharePoint
A small program for downloading and uploading file to minio storage
Dropbox wrapper client to upload data files to a folder
Installable Django admin interface for bulk user creation from uploaded CSV file.
Minimal file uploader CLI for Snowflake internal stage
Private media for Django. Check the user's authorization before serving files at PRIVATE_MEDIA_URL, uploaded to PRIVATE_MEDIA_ROOT. Requires Django 1.5.
Settings to Upload files to google drive
Basic Django File Manager with multifile uploads, live file status, and file deleting.
A python library to upload files on cloud. Supported services - AWS S3, DigitalOcean Spaces, LocalStorage.
python package to interact with the file uploading api