A python package that makes it easy and intuitive to create good looking CLI menus
A Django app that provides template tags to easily incorporate smartmenus.
Menu helpers for django projects
Minimal library fot making menus within the console
A collection of tools and utilities for Python. It includes modules for authentication, menus, and more. The library is released under the MIT License and the documentation is generated by an AI trained by OpenAI.
Simpel Menus, thats it .
Menu System for Pygame Games
A lightweight package for handling menus and breadcrumbs in your django project
A menu for pygame-ce. Simple, and easy to use
A python library to generate navigation menus using Telegram Bot API.
A Django template library for checking whether the current page matches a given URL. Useful for highlighting active links in menus.
An extension module to make reaction and button component menus with pycord
Miniscule Python Module for multiple choice menus using arrow keys
Tool for fetching University of Oulu restaurant menus from Jamix.
Python package to create command-line interactive menus in an extensible, simple and modular way.
API allowing you to fecth menus from boonli.com
Curses based boxes, menus, loggers
The GFX Launcher toolkit provide the means for launching graphical applications through SLURM. The toolkit comes with a configurable launcher, graphical job monitor and tools for automatically generating menus and shortcuts for the launcher.
Complex and simple nested menus
A python module to help creating explorer menus for Windows Explorer.
Interactive in-line menus for Unix-based terminals
A Mezzanine package for adding buttons and menus to the richtext editor by simply decorating a python function.
No description has been added so far.
Display menus based on the HTML structure of the pages
a set of menus based on Rofi or dmenu to interact with i3wm
A simple package to create text menus for use in console applications
Make cool-looking menus in CSGO consoles
API to get menus from Unicamp's bandeco
An extension for Django CMS that allows you to create and edit multiple menus like Wordpress. This is compatible for Python 3.6, Django 2.1.9, django-cms 3.6.0
Make effective terminal menus quickly and concisely.
Adds support for mega menus
A tool for making terminal menus.
Module for parsing shopping lists and dinner menus and compiling shopping lists.
A library to create multilevel menus for chatbots
A library for creating hierarchical command line arg menus.
A Python library for creating interactive CLI menus
Placeholder items for Mezzanine menus.
A library for building simple interactive console menus for UNIX based systems
Easy creation and customization of selection menus
A Django app for creating tree menus
Generate interactive menus in a python script. Like yes/no question and menu action.
Django CMS navigation modifier to attach icons to menus.
Library to obtain dining hours and menus at Swarthmore College
Object-oriented way to build telegram keyboard-menus
DjangoCMS plugin for embedding menus in placeholders