A Django app to add star ratings to models.
Streamlit Component for Star Ratings
A Likert field for Django models
A no-frills Django form widget for rating stars
MrHelix's osu! star rating calculator rewritten for your Python needs
Streamlit component that allows you to do include star ratings
A Markdown plugin to show star ratings on your page.
This module add five stars rating as question type for survey page
This module add five stars rating as question type for survey page
Returns the joint progenitor probability (probability that a galaxy is a spheroid at z=0) for a given redshift, mass, environment (percentile) and star-formation rate.
synthetic stellar pop convolve is a python package to convolve output of stellar population synthesis codes with star formation rates.
This module adds five stars rating as question type for survey page
Django application to rate objects & stars UI
Star Rating Field for PloneFormGen
Star Rater plugin
jQuery Star Rating Plugin for ToscaWidgets
This is our fork of original `Django-generic-ratings <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/django-generic-ratings/>`_ project. In our fork we added star widget from `this site <http://www.fyneworks.com/jquery/star-rating/>`_ and fixed some errors. Anyway, follow main project for updates. Django ratings tools supporting ajax, generic content type scores, multiple ratings for each content object.
A customizable star rating widget for CustomTkinter applications.