A bundler for Python packages for the web
Package scaffolder inspired by Bundler and Mix
DDeflect bundle management system
EIP-4337 python Bundler
Plugins for jupyter_cms to deploy and download notebooks as dashboard apps
Minifies and bundles JS and CSS files included with bowerstatic.
Plug-in for Hoppr to bundle artifacts into a Nexus Repository
Image bundler
Flask extension to serve Webpack bundles
Django application that bundles your Javascript/CSS, and sprites your icons.
Assets compression and bundling for GAE
Plugins for jupyter_cms to deploy and download notebooks as kernel gateway microservices
A virtstrap plugin that runs a custom script on install
CDK constructs for esbuild, an extremely fast JavaScript bundler
An attempt to better manage dependencies in requirements files inspired by Ruby's Gem Bundler
Official python SDK for Irys bundlers