Generate and collate documentation for Ansible projects
A tool for generating documentation
Python code documentation generator
Custom tool for Viteezy to generate customized word documents from an excel database
Added the function conservative_migration_from_binary_matrix to the helper_funcs module.This function generates a conservative migration matrix from a binary migration matrix(See documentation for more details).
This template contains a reference architecture for Retrieval Augmented Generation against a set of documents using Docugami's XML Knowledge Graph (KG-RAG).
Easily generate sphinx documentation
sumgram is a tool that summarizes a collection of text documents by generating the most frequent sumgrams (conjoined ngrams)
A simple django library that generates SLD documents from geographic models.
Automatically generate documentation in Dokuwiki
An MkDocs plugin to generate a table of contents page for a swagger specification to make navgating to an API Reference easier.
Command line interface and Python API to generate i18n documents
Package prototype for simple generation of LaTeX tables and plots from scientific data for use in any document.
This package consumes one or more Spanish constitution PDFs and then processes them to generate embedding vectors. The vectors are generated with OpenAI service and PineCone is used to store and retrieve embedding vectors.
Code documentation generation CLI App
MkDocs plugin to generate documentation from TypeScript source code using TypeDoc.
docsdb - generate static documentation for your database
Use Azure AI Language to generate abstractive summaries of documents.
A python library for generating documentation for python projects.
Python package for generating empty documentation templates
Generate Markdown documentation from a table schema file from Frictionless Data
SCROLL: Automatically generates documentation and unit-tests for python programs
chatdbt is an openai-based dbt documentation robot. You can use natural language to describe your data query requirements to the robot, and chatdbt will help you select the dbt model you need, or generate sql responses based on these dbt models to meet your need
auto generate flask_restful interface document to doclever
Generate Documentation from Annotated Ansible Playbooks and Roles
Generate Sphinx documentation from a Cornice application
Bear Au Jus Learning Markdown (blmarkdown) is a tool used to help you documenting your learning history in rich and flavored markdown.
Automatically generate API documentation for C language dialects
OpenCitations Meta contains bibliographic metadata associated with the documents involved in the citations stored in the OpenCitations infrastructure. The OpenCitations Meta Software performs two main actions: a data curation of the provided CSV files and the generation of new RDF files compliant with the OpenCitations Data Model.
Enable GitLab pages to provide documentation for multiple versions
Simple Python library for creating SEPA Credit Transfer XML documents
Automated analysis with Stackspot AI offers capabilities such as code review generation, documentation creation, and much more.
Generate documents from templates.
An advanced Python tool that empowers you to effortlessly draft impressive PowerPoint presentations from Word documents using generative AI.
Tool for publishing Sphinx generated documents to Confluence
Google syle shell documentation generator tool
A simple, efficient and content-first static site generator (SSG).
Generates a single text document for a directory
Pandoc filter used to generate a glossary and an acronym list common to a set of documents
Budgea API Documentation
Simple rest framework is an abstraction for building rest api with well written documentations
Docugenr8 add-on library that generates pdf documents.
Generates and parses a YIN-like representation of a YANG model, consolidated into a single XML document
Decorator-based documentation generation for Falcon-based web applications.
Python based command line interface tool for generating HTML content from RAML documentation.