Provide OAuth2 access to your app (fork of django-oauth2-provider)
OAuthenticator: Authenticate JupyterHub users with common OAuth providers.
OAuth2 Provider in FastAPI
Client for Urbanesia's OAUTH v1.0a API
Support of OAuth 1.0a in Django using python-oauth2.
OAuth 1.0a Provider for Python
edX fork of django-oauth2-provider
Pseudo-application for simplifying the OAuth flow with Google
A Python library for performing OAuth login to a Girder 4 (Django) server.
An easy interface for Microsoft Office 365 Oauth Device Code authentication.
Implements OAuth2.0 flow to use ZOHO API.
A Python client for OAuth2 authentication with the Cymulate API. This library simplifies the process of authenticating with the Cymulate API using OAuth2, managing tokens, and making secure requests effortlessly.
An extension to django-graphene-jwt to allow oauth2 authentication to a Django app.
Application for getting, refreshing and storing OAuth access_tokens for Django standalone applications
Providing OAuth services for Tastypie APIs
Simple package for creating and signing users into your Django site using Salesforce as an OAuth provider
blueking oauth
oauth middleware for aiohttp
Dash Okta OAuth2
OAuth API for Django using Django Rest Framework
Django app for using Blender ID as OAuth2 authentication service.
This is a library about automatic number-taking of 'General Chinese Author Number Table'. At present, there is only one way to take the number, that is, directly looking up the table.In the future, we will adapt to a variety of author numbering methods, please wait.
Classes implementing functionality for flask-oauthlib using Redis as the backing store.
Scripts to easily allow BYU applications to generate OAuth tokens and JWTs for test use.
An Open edX Python Social Auth backend for Tutor Auth0
Simplifies Gmail authentication for Django applications using OAuth 2.0. WITHOUT App Passwords!
MIT Open Learning django app extensions for oauth toolkit
library for OAuth version 1.0 with to_url utf8 fix
Bottle adapter for OAuthLib framework (OAuth2.0)
Python library for Jira OAuth
Kubectl wrapper in Python with OAuth token auth
A Kong OAuth Utility Library
Provide OAuth2 access to edX installations
Sdk for i2a oauth2 api
API for managing stored OAuth credentials.
Helper library for OAuth2 in command-line tools
Simplifying third-party authentication for web applications.
OAuth 2.0 library for Python 3.
Provides a Django app for storing tokens in AWS's DynamoDB, and providing a convenient requests session which uses the token. This is a use-case-specific library, and is intended for backend integrations that must authenticate with an API which only supports OAuth2 for its authentication protocol.
OAuth Provider Library for Python 3
Allow multiple connection with the same OAuth account
assistant proto
Package for dealing with JWT tokens from Keycloak in a MLflow - oauth2-proxy setup.
Sample OAuth2 Client
OAuth 2.0 client library