Fluent assertions framework for Python
Content assertion library for Python
Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) for Amazon.
Next-gen Arrange-Act-Assert to structure test cases and force software engineers to express explicit intentions in BDD style.
First Package made by Amisha and Yash
Assert files in test automation
Execute runtime assertions, indexing checks, and more if `jax` code is not traced.
Unittest assertion formatter
A painless assertion and validation library for Python.
Big Data Quality, a set of tools/function that help you every day assert quality of datasets you have processed or ingested
A record-then-assert mocking library
Used to lock object during testing. Essentially changing assertions from being hard coded to asserting that nothing changed
pytest plugin that let you automate actions and assertions with test metrics reporting executing plain YAML files
Prerequisite functions to help and assert inputs and outputs condition and type
API testing framework for simplify assertion
Package with new powerful TestCases and Assets to test django application fast. TDD is supported
A pytest plugin for visual assertion using SSIM and image comparison.
Assertion functions to test Spark Collections like DataFrames.
Convert nose.tools.assert_ calls found in your Nose test modules into raw asserts for pytest
A pythonic assertion library
Package to validate data in a fluent way
Simple TestCase assertion that finds element based on it's path and check if it equals with given content.
pytest-dir-equals is a pytest plugin providing helpers to assert directories equality allowing golden testing
Assert json schema, also provide $ref:relative_file wrapper to $ref:file:{absolute_path}
Extend typehints to include dynamic checks (that might otherwise be dealt with by assertions) in Python.
A python interface to produce and consume Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) v2.0 messages.
Plugin to count actual number of asserts in pytest
A plugin for pytest devs to view how assertion rewriting recodes the AST
python library to perform assertion on files
A Python test framework for ROS2 allowing simple and expressive assertions based on message interactions.
Assert the SSOT principle for users and groups across disparate applications and services.
pytest-play support for Cassandra expressions and assertions
A tool for the creation of JasperGold SVP principle tcl files.
Library of assert_xxx functions for more convenient testing
Type Constraints Decorator
PySpark validation & testing tooling
pytest-play plugin with python expressions and assertions
A collection of asserts for methods execution
this is fix assert
A library that provides code contracts and assertions.