Utilities for implementing Modified Preorder Tree Traversal with your Django Models and working with trees of Model instances.
Utilities for your production code that work well with approvaltests
CliKit is a group of utilities to build beautiful and testable command line interfaces.
Various utilities for working with date and datetime objects
A small Python utility to set file creation time on Windows
A utility for ensuring Google-style docstrings stay up to date with the source code.
File system general utilities
Reusable utilities for FastAPI
Utilities for working with Excel files that require both xlrd and xlwt
Utilities for programmatic data curation
An implementation of Apache Ant FileSet and Globs
A small utility for simplifying and cleaning up argument parsing scripts.
Global utilities for Humankind data science
Python utilities for handling ESS streamed data
Core utilities used by RPA Framework
utils to inspect Python type annotations
Utilities for building and installing packages with compiled extensions
Utilities for interaction with Prefect, for +A Education
Pytest plugin to simplify running shell commands against the system
Collection of roundrobin utilities
Provides several utilities for handling I/O
A library with utils for performing Skolemization on blank nodes (RDF)
An utility to monitor NVIDIA GPU status and usage
A wrapper around O365 offering subclasses with additional utility methods.
A command line utility to check for unused, missing and transitive dependencies in a Python project.
Test utilities for OpenTelemetry unit tests
A utility library for working with Table Schema in Python
Chinese Words Segementation Utilities
Utilities for working with inspect.Signature objects.
Shaken Fist utility libraries
Utility for waiting for stuff to happen
The package provides base classes and utils for flake8 plugin writing
Drop-in replacement for Python UUID in Rust
VMware Aria Operations for Applications CLI Utility.
Utilities for creating, comparing and plotting bandstructures of materials.
Utilities for the visualization, and visual analysis, of financial data
Library for utilization of compressed safetensors of neural network models
Lossy-compression utility for sequence data in NumPy
python-benedict is a dict subclass with keylist/keypath/keyattr support, normalized I/O operations (base64, csv, ini, json, pickle, plist, query-string, toml, xls, xml, yaml) and many utilities... for humans, obviously.
A collection of tools for common developer utility
Python wrapper for MurmurHash (MurmurHash3), a set of fast and robust hash functions.
TableLogger is a handy Python utility for logging tabular data into a console or a file.
A sqlalchemy/alembic extension for migrating procedures and views
Testing utilities for gRPC Python
A python package that works to provide a nice set of testing utilities for the kazoo library.
Python bytecode utilities
A grab-bag of utility functions and objects