Distiller provides convenient auto-extraction of document key words
based on term-frequency/inverse-document-frequency (TF-IDF) and word
Distiller handles all of the pre-processing details and produces final
statistic reports in JSON format.
Distiller uses the Natural Language Toolkit
You will need to download a couple of NLTK packages:
>>> import nltk
>>> nltk.download()
Downloader> d
Download which package (l=list; x=cancel)?
Identifier> maxent_treebank_pos_tagger
Downloader> d
Download which package (l=list; x=cancel)?
Identifier> stopwords
Installation using pip:
$ pip install Distiller
Typical usage from within the Python interpreter:
>>> from Distiller.distiller import Distiller
>>> distiller = Distiller(data, target, options)
Path to file containing the document collection in JSON format.
'metadata': {
'base_url': 'The document's source URL (if any)'
'documents': [
'id': 'The document's unique identifier (if any)',
'body': 'The entire body of the document in a single text blob.',
}, ...
Path where Distiller will output the following reports:
keywords: A list of words and the frequency with which they were detected as being keywords of documents.
bigrams: A list of word pairs and the frequency with which they were detected as being key pairs in documents.
trigrams: A list of word triples and the frequency with which they were detected as being key pairs in documents.
docmap: A mapping of document IDs to their respective keywords, n-grams, and other statistics.
keymap: A mapping of keywords to the documents they appear in.
An optional dictionary containing document processing arguments in this format:
'normalize': True, # normalize tokens during pre processing
'stem': True, # stems tokens during pre processing
'lemmatize': False, # lemmatize during pre processing
'tfidf_cutoff': 0.001, # cutoff value to use for term-freq/doc-freq score
'pos_list': ['NN','NNP'], # POS white list used to filter for candidates
'black_list': [] # token list used to filter out from candidates