Encrypted JSON Database
This package provides a lightweight, encrypted JSON-based database with support for collections, document operations, and aggregation. It uses the cryptography
library for encryption and decryption of data, ensuring secure storage of your sensitive information.
- Encryption and Decryption: Uses Fernet symmetric encryption to protect your data.
- Collections: Supports creating, reading, updating, and deleting collections.
- Documents: Allows adding, finding, updating, and deleting documents within collections.
- Aggregation: Provides basic aggregation functionality for querying documents.
- Linking Collections: Supports linking between collections to create references.
- Tree Structure: Allows creating tree structures by linking root documents to their child documents.
from pyjondb import database
from pyjondb import session
auth = session.start()
auth.create_user('admin', 'adminpass', roles=['admin', 'user'])
session_id = auth.authenticate('admin', 'adminpass')
db = database.init('my_database', 'my_secret_key', auth, debug=True)
db.create_collection('my_collection', session_id)
db.add_document('my_collection', {'name': 'example'}, session_id)
print(db.read_collection('my_collection', session_id))