StringFuncs README
This is more of a pratice package for general functions that I might use for basic string manipulation using python. I will be updating the package as I continue college.
That being said anybody can use the project and contrusctive critism is highly encouraged.
To access the functions simply install the package using:
pip install StringFuncs
and import the functions like so:
from StringFuncs import string_funcs
You can now use the functions like so:
print((string_funcs("", separator=".")).chars_as_list())
or you can
print((string_funcs("Hello World!!!", separator=" ")).get_last_word())
If you need help I have included doc strings detailing each function.
I am planning on adding more functions and improving existing functions as I go through college.
While this project is for string manipulation, I plan on adding a vast amount of functions that might prove useful.