The Dynamic and Explainable Regression/Classification Solution
Author : Thaphon Chinnakornsakul
Xgression is the solution to find relationships between data to an equation by constructing computational tree that represent the steps of calculation from inputs to an output of algorithm then modify the tree with various operator to find the optimal solution. As the result Xgression can perform many forms of regression without setting initial equations or parameters
Keywords : Theoretical Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Computational Mathematics, Regression, Optimization, Algorithm, Explainable Machine Learning, Computational Tree, Predictive Modelling, Classification
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-2390968/v1
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[6] Visit This Predict Diabetes Kaggle for testing data
Note; The Code is still Unclear and unrefactored. i just wrote what i think
I will definitely refactor this after i pass the university interviewing!!