Abnum 3
Alphabetic numerals package for Python 3. Module includes various letter value
substituting systems from the ancient times to the modern artificial ones.
Abnum substitution system is better known as gematria in hebrew and
isopsephy in greek, abjad in arabic alphabet and katapayadi in sanskrit.
Currently supported languages are:
- greek (grc)
- hebrew (heb)
- coptic (cop)
- aramaic (arm)
- syriaic (syc)
- arabic (ara)
- phoenician (phn)
- brahmi (brh)
- english (eng)
- finnish (fin)
pip install abnum
Get the value of the greek phrase by adding letter values and returning the sum:
from abnum import Abnum, greek
g = Abnum(greek)
print(g.value('ο Λογος'))
Use multiplication instead of addition:
from abnum import Abnum, greek
from operator import mul
g = Abnum(greek)
print(g.value('ο Λογος', mul, 1))
Phoenician script:
from abnum import Abnum, phoenician
p = Abnum(phoenician)
a = list(map(g.value, "𐤀𐤍𐤊 𐤕𐤁𐤍𐤕 𐤊𐤄𐤍 𐤏𐤔𐤕𐤓𐤕 𐤌𐤋𐤊 𐤑𐤃𐤍𐤌 𐤁𐤍".split(" ")))
print(a, sum(a))
[71, 852, 75, 1370, 90, 184, 52], 2694
Jupyter notebooks
Please see Jupyter notebooks for further study and examples:
Usage of the library. Includes the verification of the isopsephical value of the Bergama stele, 100 - 200 AD.
Isopsephical riddle of the Sibylline verses, Book 1, lines 137 - 146.
Python 2 version of the Abnum library can still be found from: https://github.com/markomanninen/abnum