
This library enables you communicate and with the r305 Fingerprint Identification Module via serial connection with upper computer.
The library enables you to to communicate with the r305 fingerprint module from upper computer (your laptop, a raspberry pi etc), rather than the arduino which it was built for by default. The module communicates via TTL, therefore, to communicate you need a USB - TTL converter
connected to the module.
It provides a class that exposes methods you can call to perform serial read/write actions with the module, these methods are implemented according to the datasheet specification, which you can download from the repo here.
pip install adafruit-fingerprint
Usage example
There is a section on the docs - hardware section with pictures and explanations on how to setup the hardware needed for these examples to work.
Visit the Examples Codes section on the docs to view all examples.
Development setup
Get started
pip install -r requirements.txt
Running tests
python -m unittest discover tests
Release History
- 1.0.0
- Good enough for most use cases
- 1.0.2
- Added link to github repository
This package is heavily inspired by the finger_sphinx project, found during our search for a way to get the fingerprint template to upper computer, rather than have it stored in flash library. A very big kudos and acknowledgement to the owners.
Faith Odonghanro – @toritsejuFO (twitter), toritsejuFO (github)
Nwanozie Promise – @PNwanozie (twitter), iotstudent (github)
Adegoke Joshua – @iAmCodedebugger (twitter), Ade-Joshe (github)
Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE
for more information.
Github Repository
Github Repository