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Async client for amazon services using botocore_ and aiohttp_/asyncio_.
This library is a mostly full featured asynchronous version of botocore.
$ pip install aiobotocore
Basic Example
.. code:: python
import asyncio
from aiobotocore.session import get_session
async def go():
bucket = 'dataintake'
filename = 'dummy.bin'
folder = 'aiobotocore'
key = '{}/{}'.format(folder, filename)
session = get_session()
async with session.create_client('s3', region_name='us-west-2',
aws_access_key_id=AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID) as client:
# upload object to amazon s3
data = b'\x01'*1024
resp = await client.put_object(Bucket=bucket,
# getting s3 object properties of file we just uploaded
resp = await client.get_object_acl(Bucket=bucket, Key=key)
# get object from s3
response = await client.get_object(Bucket=bucket, Key=key)
# this will ensure the connection is correctly re-used/closed
async with response['Body'] as stream:
assert await == data
# list s3 objects using paginator
paginator = client.get_paginator('list_objects_v2')
async for result in paginator.paginate(Bucket=bucket, Prefix=folder):
for c in result.get('Contents', []):
# delete object from s3
resp = await client.delete_object(Bucket=bucket, Key=key)
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
Context Manager Examples
.. code:: python
from contextlib import AsyncExitStack
from aiobotocore.session import AioSession
# How to use in existing context manager
class Manager:
def __init__(self):
self._exit_stack = AsyncExitStack()
self._s3_client = None
async def __aenter__(self):
session = AioSession()
self._s3_client = await self._exit_stack.enter_async_context(session.create_client('s3'))
async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
await self._exit_stack.__aexit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)
# How to use with an external exit_stack
async def create_s3_client(session: AioSession, exit_stack: AsyncExitStack):
# Create client and add cleanup
client = await exit_stack.enter_async_context(session.create_client('s3'))
return client
async def non_manager_example():
session = AioSession()
async with AsyncExitStack() as exit_stack:
s3_client = await create_s3_client(session, exit_stack)
# do work with s3_client
Supported AWS Services
This is a non-exuastive list of what tests aiobotocore runs against AWS services. Not all methods are tested but we aim to test the majority of
commonly used methods.
| Service | Status |
| S3 | Working |
| DynamoDB | Basic methods tested |
| SNS | Basic methods tested |
| SQS | Basic methods tested |
| CloudFormation | Stack creation tested |
| Kinesis | Basic methods tested |
Due to the way boto3 is implemented, its highly likely that even if services are not listed above that you can take any boto3.client('service')
stick await
in front of methods to make them async, e.g. await client.list_named_queries()
would asynchronous list all of the named Athena queries.
If a service is not listed here and you could do with some tests or examples feel free to raise an issue.
Enable type checking and code completion
Install types-aiobotocore_ that contains type annotations for aiobotocore
and all supported botocore_ services.
.. code:: bash
# install aiobotocore type annotations
# for ec2, s3, rds, lambda, sqs, dynamo and cloudformation
python -m pip install 'types-aiobotocore[essential]'
# or install annotations for services you use
python -m pip install 'types-aiobotocore[acm,apigateway]'
# Lite version does not provide session.create_client overloads
# it is more RAM-friendly, but requires explicit type annotations
python -m pip install 'types-aiobotocore-lite[essential]'
Now you should be able to run Pylance_, pyright_, or mypy_ for type checking
as well as code completion in your IDE.
For types-aiobotocore-lite
package use explicit type annotations:
.. code:: python
from aiobotocore.session import get_session
from types_aiobotocore_s3.client import S3Client
session = get_session()
async with session.create_client("s3") as client:
client: S3Client
# type checking and code completion is now enabled for client
Full documentation for types-aiobotocore
can be found here:
- Python_ 3.8+
- aiohttp_
- botocore_
.. _Python:
.. _asyncio:
.. _botocore:
.. _aiohttp:
.. _types-aiobotocore:
.. _Pylance:
.. _pyright:
.. _mypy:
awscli & boto3
awscli and boto3 depend on a single version, or a narrow range of versions, of botocore.
However, aiobotocore only supports a specific range of botocore versions. To ensure you
install the latest version of awscli and boto3 that your specific combination or
aiobotocore and botocore can support use::
pip install -U 'aiobotocore[awscli,boto3]'
If you only need awscli and not boto3 (or vice versa) you can just install one extra or
the other.
2.21.0 (2025-02-28)
- make
subclass of DeferredRefreshableCredentials
- make
subclass of SSOCredentialFetcher
- bump botocore dependency specification
2.20.1.dev0 (2025-02-24)
- upstream http response header fixes to be more in-line with botocore
2.20.0 (2025-02-19)
- patch
- bump botocore dependency specification
2.19.0 (2025-01-22)
- support custom
connector configuration - relax botocore dependency specification
2.18.0 (2025-01-17)
- bump botocore dependency specification
2.17.0 (2025-01-06)
- relax botocore dependency specification
- add missing dependencies
, jmespath
, multidict
, and urllib3
2.16.1 (2024-12-26)
- relax botocore dependency specification
2.16.0 (2024-12-16)
- bump botocore dependency specification
2.15.2 (2024-10-09)
- relax botocore dependency specification
2.15.1 (2024-09-19)
- relax botocore dependency specification
2.15.0 (2024-09-10)
- bump botocore dependency specification
2.14.0 (2024-08-28)
- bump botocore dependency specification
2.13.3 (2024-08-22)
- fix
- relax botocore dependency specification
2.13.2 (2024-07-18)
- fix for #1125 due to missing patch of StreamingChecksumBody
2.13.1 (2024-06-24)
- bump botocore dependency specification
2.13.0 (2024-05-16)
- address breaking change introduced in
2.12.4 (2024-05-16)
- bump botocore dependency specification
2.12.3 (2024-04-11)
- relax botocore dependency specification
2.12.2 (2024-04-01)
- expose configuration of
in AioConfig
2.12.1 (2024-03-04)
2.12.0 (2024-02-28)
- bump botocore dependency specification
2.11.2 (2024-02-02)
- bump botocore dependency specification
2.11.1 (2024-01-25)
- bump botocore dependency specification
2.11.0 (2024-01-19)
- send project-specific
HTTP header #853
2.10.0 (2024-01-18)
- bump botocore dependency specification
2.9.1 (2024-01-17)
- fix race condition in S3 Express identity cache #1072
2.9.0 (2023-12-12)
- bump botocore dependency specification
2.8.0 (2023-11-28)
- add AioStubber that returns AioAWSResponse()
- remove confusing
symbol - bump botocore dependency specification
2.7.0 (2023-10-17)
- add support for Python 3.12
- drop more Python 3.7 support (EOL)
- relax botocore dependency specification
2.6.0 (2023-08-11)
- bump aiohttp minimum version to 3.7.4.post0
- drop python 3.7 support (EOL)
2.5.4 (2023-08-07)
- fix aenter attribute error introduced in refresh bugfix (#1031)
2.5.3 (2023-08-06)
- add more support for Python 3.11
- bump botocore to 1.31.17
- add waiter.wait return
- fix SSO token refresh bug #1025
2.5.2 (2023-07-06)
2.5.1 (2023-06-27)
- bump botocore to 1.29.161
2.5.0 (2023-03-06)
- bump botocore to 1.29.76 (thanks @jakob-keller #999)
2.4.2 (2022-12-22)
2.4.1 (2022-11-28)
- Adds support for checksums in streamed request trailers (thanks @terrycain #962)
2.4.0 (2022-08-25)
2.3.4 (2022-06-23)
- fix select_object_content
2.3.3 (2022-06-07)
- fix connect timeout while getting IAM creds
- fix test files appearing in distribution package
2.3.2 (2022-05-08)
- fix 3.6 testing and and actually fix 3.6 support
2.3.1 (2022-05-06)
- fix 3.6 support
- AioConfig: allow keepalive_timeout to be None (thanks @dnlserrano #933)
2.3.0 (2022-05-05)
- fix encoding issue by swapping to AioAWSResponse and AioAWSRequest to behave more
like botocore
- fix exceptions mappings
2.2.0 (2022-03-16)
- remove deprecated APIs
- bump to botocore 1.24.21
- re-enable retry of aiohttp.ClientPayloadError
2.1.2 (2022-03-03)
- fix httpsession close call
2.1.1 (2022-02-10)
- implement asynchronous non-blocking adaptive retry strategy
2.1.0 (2021-12-14)
- bump to botocore 1.23.24
- fix aiohttp resolver config param #906
2.0.1 (2021-11-25)
- revert accidental dupe of _register_s3_events #867 (thanks @eoghanmurray)
- Support customizing the aiohttp connector resolver class #893 (thanks @orf)
- fix timestream query #902
2.0.0 (2021-11-02)
- bump to botocore 1.22.8
- turn off default
env var to match botocore module. See notes in 1.4.0.
1.4.2 (2021-09-03)
- Fix missing close() method on http session (thanks
@terrycain <>
_) - Fix for verify=False
1.4.1 (2021-08-24)
- put backwards incompatible changes behind
env var. This means that #876 <>
_ will not work unless this env var has been set to 0.
1.4.0 (2021-08-20)
- fix retries via config
#877 <>
_ - remove AioSession and get_session top level names to match botocore_
- change exceptions raised to match those of botocore_, see
mappings <>
1.3.3 (2021-07-12)
- fix AioJSONParser
#872 <>
1.3.2 (2021-07-07)
- Bump to botocore_ to
1.20.106 <>
1.3.1 (2021-06-11)
- TCPConnector: change deprecated ssl_context to ssl
- fix non awaited generate presigned url calls
#868 <>
1.3.0 (2021-04-09)
- Bump to botocore_ to
1.20.49 <>
_ #856 <>
1.2.2 (2021-03-11)
- Await call to async method load_creds_via_assume_role
#858 <>
(thanks @puzza007 <>
1.2.1 (2021-02-10)
- verify strings are now correctly passed to aiohttp.TCPConnector
#851 <>
_ (thanks @FHTMitchell <>
1.2.0 (2021-01-11)
- bump botocore to
1.19.52 <>
_ - use passed in http_session_cls param to create_client
#797 <>
1.1.2 (2020-10-07)
- fix AioPageIterator search method #831 (thanks
@joseph-jones <>
1.1.1 (2020-08-31)
- fix s3 region redirect bug #825
1.1.0 (2020-08-18)
1.0.7 (2020-06-04)
- fix generate_db_auth_token via #816
1.0.6 (2020-06-04)
- revert getattr fix as it breaks ddtrace
1.0.5 (2020-06-03)
- Fixed AioSession.get_service_data emit call #811 via #812
- Fixed async getattr #789 via #803
1.0.4 (2020-04-15)
- Fixed S3 Presigned Post not being async
1.0.3 (2020-04-09)
- Fixes typo when using credential process
1.0.2 (2020-04-05)
- Disable Client.getattr emit for now #789
1.0.1 (2020-04-01)
- Fixed signing requests with explicit credentials
1.0.0 (2020-03-31)
- API breaking: The result of create_client is now a required async context class
- Credential refresh should now work
- generate_presigned_url is now an async call along with other credential methods
- Credentials.[access_key/secret_key/token] now raise NotImplementedError because
they won't call refresh like botocore. Instead should use get_frozen_credentials
async method
- Bump botocore and extras
0.12.0 (2020-02-23)
- Bump botocore and extras
- Drop support for 3.5 given we are unable to test it with moto
and it will soon be unsupported
- Remove loop parameters for Python 3.8 compliance
- Remove deprecated AioPageIterator.next_page
0.11.1 (2020-01-03)
- Fixed event streaming API calls like S3 Select.
0.11.0 (2019-11-12)
- replace CaseInsensitiveDict with urllib3 equivalent #744
(thanks to inspiration from @craigmccarter and @kevchentw)
- bump botocore to 1.13.14
- fix for mismatched botocore method replacements
0.10.4 (2019-10-24)
- Make AioBaseClient.close method async #724 (thanks @bsitruk)
- Bump awscli, boto3, botocore #735 (thanks @bbrendon)
- switch paginator to async_generator, add result_key_iters
(deprecate next_page method)
0.10.3 (2019-07-17)
0.10.2 (2019-02-11)
- Fix response-received emitted event #682
0.10.1 (2019-02-08)
- Make tests pass with pytest 4.1 #669 (thanks @yan12125)
- Support Python 3.7 #671 (thanks to @yan12125)
- Update RTD build config #672 (thanks @willingc)
- Bump to botocore 1.12.91 #679
0.10.0 (2018-12-09)
- Update to botocore 1.12.49 #639 (thanks @terrycain)
0.9.4 (2018-08-08)
- Add ClientPayloadError as retryable exception
0.9.3 (2018-07-16)
- Bring botocore up to date
0.9.2 (2018-05-05)
- bump aiohttp requirement to fix read timeouts
0.9.1 (2018-05-04)
- fix timeout bug introduced in last release
0.9.0 (2018-06-01)
- bump aiohttp to 3.3.x
- remove unneeded set_socket_timeout
0.8.0 (2018-05-07)
- Fix pagination #573 (thanks @adamrothman)
- Enabled several s3 tests via moto
- Bring botocore up to date
0.7.0 (2018-05-01)
0.6.1a0 (2018-05-01)
- bump to aiohttp 3.1.x
- switch tests to Python 3.5+
- switch to native coroutines
- fix non-streaming body timeout retries
0.6.0 (2018-03-04)
- Upgrade to aiohttp>=3.0.0 #536 (thanks @Gr1N)
0.5.3 (2018-02-23)
- Fixed waiters #523 (thanks @dalazx)
- fix conn_timeout #485
0.5.2 (2017-12-06)
- Updated awscli dependency #461
0.5.1 (2017-11-10)
- Disabled compressed response #430
0.5.0 (2017-11-10)
- Fix error botocore error checking #190
- Update supported botocore requirement to: >=1.7.28, <=1.7.40
- Bump aiohttp requirement to support compressed responses correctly #298
0.4.5 (2017-09-05)
- Added SQS examples and tests #336
- Changed requirements.txt structure #336
- bump to botocore 1.7.4
- Added DynamoDB examples and tests #340
0.4.4 (2017-08-16)
- add the supported versions of boto3 to extras require #324
0.4.3 (2017-07-05)
- add the supported versions of awscli to extras require #273 (thanks @graingert)
0.4.2 (2017-07-03)
- update supported aiohttp requirement to: >=2.0.4, <=2.3.0
- update supported botocore requirement to: >=1.5.71, <=1.5.78
0.4.1 (2017-06-27)
0.4.0 (2017-06-19)
- update botocore requirement to: botocore>=1.5.34, <=1.5.70
- fix read_timeout due to #245
- implement set_socket_timeout
0.3.3 (2017-05-22)
- switch to PEP 440 version parser to support 'dev' versions
0.3.2 (2017-05-22)
- Fix botocore integration
- Provisional fix for aiohttp 2.x stream support
- update botocore requirement to: botocore>=1.5.34, <=1.5.52
0.3.1 (2017-04-18)
0.3.0 (2017-04-01)
- Added support for aiohttp>=2.0.4 (thanks @achimnol)
- update botocore requirement to: botocore>=1.5.0, <=1.5.33
0.2.3 (2017-03-22)
- update botocore requirement to: botocore>=1.5.0, <1.5.29
0.2.2 (2017-03-07)
- set aiobotocore.all for * imports #121 (thanks @graingert)
- fix ETag in head_object response #132
0.2.1 (2017-02-01)
- Normalize headers and handle redirection by botocore #115 (thanks @Fedorof)
0.2.0 (2017-01-30)
- add support for proxies (thanks @jjonek)
- remove AioConfig verify_ssl connector_arg as this is handled by the
create_client verify param
- remove AioConfig limit connector_arg as this is now handled by
by the Config
property (note default is 10)
0.1.1 (2017-01-16)
- botocore updated to version 1.5.0
0.1.0 (2017-01-12)
- Pass timeout to aiohttp.request to enforce read_timeout #86 (thanks @vharitonsky)
(bumped up to next semantic version due to read_timeout enabling change)
0.0.6 (2016-11-19)
- Added enforcement of plain response #57 (thanks @rymir)
- botocore updated to version 1.4.73 #74 (thanks @vas3k)
0.0.5 (2016-06-01)