Provides a single abstract interface for managing the funds of various
cryptocurrency wallets via their RPC interfaces.
Support for:
This project currently supports the following coins:
Quick start
pip install aiocryptocurrency
Example using Firo (the API is the same for other coins).
import asyncio
from aiocryptocurrency.coins.nero import Wownero, Monero
from aiocryptocurrency.coins.firo import Firo
async def main():
# ./firod -testnet -rpcbind= -rpcallowip= -rpcport=18888 -rpcuser=admin -rpcpassword=admin
firo = Firo()
firo.port = 18888
firo.basic_auth = ('admin', 'admin')
# create a new receiving address
blob = await firo.create_address()
address = blob['address']
# # list incoming txs
txs = await firo.list_txs(address)
for tx in txs:
# send payment
dest = 'TRwRAjxfAVKVZYQGdmskZRDSBw9E5YqjC8'
amount = 0.05
txid = await firo.send(dest, amount)
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()