is a library written using the aiogram library to help you create pagination using inline buttons
Info: A sample to use
from aiogram import executor
from aiogram import types
from aiopagination.test.data.loader import dp
from aiopagination.widgets.aiokeyboards import base_cd, pagination_cd
from aiopagination.widgets.aiopagination import Pagination
sample_list = [
(1, "Apple", 'red'),
(2, "Cucumber", "green"),
(3, "Melon", "yellow"),
(4, "Cherry", "red"),
(5, "Watermelon", "green"),
(6, "Banana", "yellow"),
(7, "Carrot", "orange"),
(8, "Kiwi", "green"),
(9, "Malina", "red"),
(10, "Apelsin", "yellow"),
(11, "Lemon", "yellow"),
(12, "Grape", "black"),
(13, "Carrot", "red"),
(14, "Potato", "yellow"),
(15, "Potato", "yellow"),
(16, "Banana", "yellow"),
(17, "Carrot", "orange"),
(18, "Kiwi", "green"),
(19, "Malina", "red"),
(20, "Apelsin", "yellow"),
(21, "Lemon", "yellow"),
(22, "Grape", "black"),
(23, "Carrot", "red"),
(24, "Potato", "yellow")
async def bot_start(message: types.Message):
pagination = Pagination(sample_list)
await pagination.start_message(message=message)
async def get_item_id(call: types.CallbackQuery, callback_data: dict):
await call.answer(cache_time=1)
item_id = callback_data.get("item_id")
pag = Pagination(sample_list)
get_data = await pag.select_item(item_id=int(item_id))
await call.message.answer(get_data[1], parse_mode="HTML")
async def show_pagination(call: types.CallbackQuery, callback_data: dict):
start = int(callback_data.get("start"))
end = int(callback_data.get("end"))
max_pages = int(callback_data.get("max_pages"))
action = callback_data.get("action")
pagination = Pagination(items=sample_list)
if action == "prev":
await pagination.prev(call=call, start=start, end=end, max_pages=max_pages)
elif action == "next":
await pagination.next(call=call, start=start, end=end, max_pages=max_pages)
await call.answer(cache_time=1)
await call.message.edit_reply_markup()
await call.message.edit_text("Menga matn yuboring")
if __name__ == '__main__':
executor.start_polling(dp, skip_updates=True)