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aiowowapi docs
Warning: I have personally stopped playing World of Warcraft, if you'd like to take over maintenance of the project or see any issues you can create an issue on GitHub and I promise I'll look into it ASAP.
An asynchronous client library for interacting with the World of Warcraft API endpoints using the async
/ await
.. code:: sh
# Linux/OSX
python3 -m pip install -U aiowowapi
# Windows
python -m pip install -U aiowowapi
Current Features
- Retail Game Data API Support
- Retail Profile API Support
- Classic Game Data API Support
- Rate limiting
- Request retries
- QoL WoW-Specific functions (Money -> Gold/Silver/Copper, Armoury link parser, etc)
- Add caching for certain requests (e.g. character profile)
- Greater test coverage
aiohttp <https://docs.aiohttp.org/en/stable/>
- Python 3.8+
.. code-block:: python
from aiowowapi import WowApi
async def main():
async with WowApi('<ID>','<SECRET>', 'us', request_debugging=True) as Client:
print(await Client.Retail.Profile.get_character_profile_status('illidan', 'adalyia'))
aiowowapi's Documentation <https://aiowowapi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/>
Blizzard's API Documentation <https://develop.battle.net/documentation>
Register a Blizzard API Client <https://develop.battle.net/access/clients>
Blizzard's API Forums <https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/blizzard/c/api-discussion/18>
This project is not affiliated with or endorsed by Blizzard Entertainment <https://www.blizzard.com/>
_ & all data is retrieved from official Blizzard / World of Warcraft APIs. Terms found here <https://www.blizzard.com/en-us/legal/a2989b50-5f16-43b1-abec-2ae17cc09dd6/blizzard-developer-api-terms-of-use>
. Additionally this project was created primarily for use with Discord Bots & other async applications with inspiration from this project <https://github.com/lockwooddev/python-wowapi>
by lockwooddev <https://github.com/lockwooddev/>