Lightweight wide event logging to bring more observability to lambda functions.
This is very strongly inspired by honeycomb and their beeline library.
Use the decorators!
import airline
def some_function(a, b)
import airline
from airline.awslambda import airline_wrapper
def handler(event, context):
Wide event logging?
The idea is to build up the full context of a function/script into one wide
event that gets emitted at the end. This puts all the context in one log
message, making it very easy to run analytics on, find like errors, and a lot
of other things. A full blown observability platform like honeycomb would be
more informative, and allows for the notion of spans and distributed tracing
(i.e. across different (micro) services and the like).
But this is a start.
Take this:
import time
import random
import airline
def main(a, b):
airline.add_context_field("a", a)
airline.add_context_field("b", b)
with airline.timer('processing_a'):
with airline.timer('processing_b'):
def subfunction1(input):
time.sleep(random.uniform(0, len(input)))
main("foo", "example_long_thing")
And emit this at the end
"time": "2020-03-09T09:49:43.376126Z",
"dataset": "example",
"client": "airline/0.1.0",
"data": {
"a": "foo",
"b": "example_long_thing",
"duration_ms": 9438.041,
"timers": {
"processing_a_ms": 255.11,
"processing_b_ms": 9182.859