ajsonapi: asynchronous JSON API

What is it?
ajsonapi is a Python package for creating a JSON API web server
backed by a database from a user-provided object model.
How to specify an object model?
Let's look at a simple object model specification.
from ajsonapi import (JSON_API,
class Persons(JSON_API):
name = Attribute(String)
articles = OneToManyRelationship('Articles', rfkey='person_id')
class Articles(JSON_API):
title = Attribute(String)
author = ManyToOneRelationship('Persons', lfkey='person_id')
This model contains two class definitions: Persons
and Articles
. A person
has a name and can author zero of more articles. An article has a title and
has exactly one author (who is a person). The only parts in the model that may
be unobvious are the lfkey
and rfkey
parameters in the relationship
definitions. They are abbreviations for local foreign key and remote
foreign key, respectively. Ajsonapi uses these parameters to identify that
and Articles.author
are each other's reverse relationship
and to persist objects and their relationships in the database.
For a more elaborate (albeit abstract) object model see ajsonapi's model for
functional testing.
How to create a web server?
from aiohttp.web import run_app
from ajsonapi import Application
import model
async def make_app():
app = Application()
await app.connect_database('postgresql://user:password@localhost:5432/db')
await app.create_tables()
return app.app
What does ajsonapi provide?
From the above six line model, ajsonapi creates a web server that supports the
following eighteen operations (combinations of HTTP method and URI) as
described by the JSON API specification.
GET, POST /persons
GET, PATCH, DELETE /persons/{id}
GET, POST, PATCH, DELETE /persons/{id}/relationships/articles
GET /persons/{id}/articles
GET, POST /articles
GET, PATCH, DELETE /articles/{id}
GET, PATCH /articles/{id}/relationships/author
GET /articles/{id}/author
operations that return a collection support the ?include
, ?fields
, ?sort
, and ?page
query parameters. All objects created and
manipulated through the web server are persisted in a Postgres database by ajsonapi.
Where to get it?
pip install ajsonapi