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A Python interface to the Akismet spam-filtering service.



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.. image:: :alt: CI status image :target:

A Python interface to the Akismet spam-filtering service <>_.

Two API clients are available from this library:

  • akismet.SyncClient is an Akismet API client which performs synchronous (blocking) HTTP requests to the Akismet web service.

  • akismet.AsyncClient is an Akismet API client which performs asynchronous (async/await/non-blocking) HTTP requests to the Akismet web service.

Aside from one being sync and the other async, the two clients expose identical APIs, and implement all methods of the Akismet web API <>_.

To use this library, you will need to obtain an Akismet API key and register a site for use with the Akismet web service; you can do this at Once you have a key and corresponding registered site URL to use with it, place them in the environment variables PYTHON_AKISMET_API_KEY and PYTHON_AKISMET_BLOG_URL, and they will be automatically detected and used.

You can then construct a client instance and call its methods. For creating a long-lived API client instance, it's recommended that you use the validated_client() constructor method, which will automatically validate your API key with the Akismet web service. For example, to check a submitted forum post for spam:

.. code-block:: python

import akismet

akismet_client = akismet.SyncClient.validated_client()

if akismet_client.comment_check( user_ip=submitter_ip, comment_content=submitted_content, comment_type="forum-post", comment_author=submitter_name ): # This piece of content was classified as spam; handle it appropriately.

Or using the asynchronous client:

.. code-block:: python

import akismet

akismet_client = await akismet.AsyncClient.validated_client()

if await akismet_client.comment_check( user_ip=submitter_ip, comment_content=submitted_content, comment_type="forum-post", comment_author=submitter_name ): # This piece of content was classified as spam; handle it appropriately.

You can also use either client class as a context manager. This does not require the validated_client() constructor, because your API key is validated on entering the with block.

.. code-block:: python

import akismet

with akismet.SyncClient() as akismet_client: if akismet_client.comment_check( user_ip=submitter_ip, comment_content=submitted_content, comment_type="forum-post", comment_author=submitter_name ): # This piece of content was classified as spam; handle it appropriately.

Or using the asynchronous client:

.. code-block:: python

import akismet

async with akismet.AsyncClient() as akismet_client: if await akismet_client.comment_check( user_ip=submitter_ip, comment_content=submitted_content, comment_type="forum-post", comment_author=submitter_name ): # This piece of content was classified as spam; handle it appropriately.

See the documentation <>_ for full details.

The original version of this library was written by Michael Foord.



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