git-pull sphinx theme
_ sub-theme of Alabaster
_, for use on git-pull projects.
What alagitpull adds to Alabaster
See the theme live on https://www.git-pull.com,
https://tmuxp.git-pull.com, etc.
Table CSS tweaks
and code-block css tweaks
Additional theming tweaks for admonitions
_ like ..note
New sidebar template with links to projects
- Automatic unlinking of project if its the current docs
- Support for subprojects (put into parenthesis)
Sidebar CSS tweaks
Config options
Theme variables
To see a full list of options passible to HTML templates, see
. Not all of these options are used in the theme itself,
but to let html_theme_options
pass them through, if you want.
To configure, conf.py:
html_theme_options example:
.. code-block:: python
html_theme_options = {
'logo': 'img/logo.svg',
'github_user': 'git-pull',
'github_repo': 'alagitpull',
'github_type': 'star',
'github_banner': True,
'projects': {},
'project_name': 'my project name',
For an example of html_theme_options['projects']
see the
alagitpull/init.py file.
Example of using an optional variable such as
.. code-block:: python
html_theme_options = {
# ...usual stuff, as above, and
'project_description': 'description of project'
.. code-block:: html
{%- if theme_show_meta_app_icon_tags == true %}
{% endif -%}
alagitpull_external_hosts_new_window (boolean, default: False): check if link
is external domain/IP. If so, open in new window.
.. code-block:: python
alagitpull_external_hosts_new_window = True
alagitpull_internal_hosts (list) - whitelist of domains to open
in same tab, without target="_blank"
. Only used if
alagitpull_external_hosts_new_window enabled.
.. code-block:: python
alagitpull_internal_hosts = [
Theme options
of sphinx's conf.py:
- projects (dict) - Sidebar links.
- project_name (string) - Name of your project (helps with unlinking
.. _Sphinx: http://www.sphinx-doc.org/
.. _Alabaster: https://github.com/bitprophet/alabaster
.. _admonitions: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/ref/rst/directives.html#admonitions