finds, extracts, and clears logs from AMX devices using ftp
logs are written to file and/or logged.
list of dicts where each dict is an AMX system.
minimum key requirements:
'full_name' (string)
'master_ip' (string)
user_name: user name used to login to AMX
password: password used to login to AMX
log_type: default 'error_log', case insensitive.
Also try 'camera_log'. Additional types depend on what you name them when you create them in the AMX program. So if you had AMX create logs called late_night_usage.txt, log_type would be 'late_night_usage'.
output_dir: path to dir used to store received files.
File name is created using 'full_name' amx logfile name
clear_logs: default False.
Use True to delete the log files after they are downloaded.
debug_ftp: default 0.
Set to 1 to view ftplib's builtin debugger on stdout.
timeout: default 10. Seconds to timeout socket connection.
Begin connecting to systems in set_systems(), download logs that match log_type, using settings from config()