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This SDK is an open-source development project that enables you to connect to ApiMarket services using Python.
- Algorithm-based verifications.
- Exponential retry mechanism.
- Transparent saving to your backend, with default caching on your file system.
- Typing support for seamless use in your IDE.
.. code-block:: bash
pip install apimarket
Getting Started
Copy a token in https://apimarket.mx/app/tokens
Choose the service you need https://apimarket.mx/marketplace and select the Python SDK
Test your code
.. code-block:: python3
import apimarket
You only need to configure the Token once.
apimarket.assemble(api_key="A7ee6195-4ff1-4ed2-bdf9-b950863fX3b9", sandbox=False)
curp_details = apimarket.fetch_curp_details("LOOA531113HTCPBN07")
Save API KEY securily
There are three different ways to set the API key: you can set the API key as an environment variable in your shell, in the .env file, or call functions with your API key.
.. code-block:: bash
.. code-block:: bash
Learn how to install and use the program through this playground <./notebooks/playground.ipynb>
You can consult the full list on Python Docs.
Fetch CURP details
.. code-block:: python3
import apimarket
You can configure the calls with apimarket.assemble(api_key: str, async_client:boolean=False, headers:dict[str,str], sandbox=False)
result = apimarket.fetch_curp_details("LOOA531113HTCPBN07")
Fetch "Historial Laboral" details
.. code-block:: python3
import apimarket
You can configure the calls with apimarket.assemble(api_key: str, async_client:boolean=False, headers:dict[str,str], sandbox=False)
result = apimarket.get_labor_history("CURP", "NSS")
Multiple calls
.. code-block:: python3
import apimarket
You can configure the calls with apimarket.assemble(api_key: str, async_client:boolean=False, headers:dict[str,str], sandbox=False)
apimarket.assemble(api_key="A7ee6195-4ff1-4ed2-bdf9-b950863fX3b9", sandbox=False)
CURP = ""
NSS= ""
curp_details = apimarket.fetch_curp_details(CURP, NSS)
labor_history = apimarket.get_labor_history(CURP, NSS)
Fetch INFONAVIT subaccount by NSS.
.. code-block:: python3
import apimarket
NSS = ""
result = apimarket.get_infonavit_subaccount_by_nss(NSS)
You can consult the full list on CLI Docs.
Fetch CURP details
.. code-block:: bash
apimarket -c LOOA531113HTCPBN07
Combine different requests
.. code-block:: bash
apimarket -c LOOA531113HTCPBN07 --get-rfc-from-curp LOOA531113HTCPBN07 | jq -s 'add'
Read a CSV with your customs fields
csvcut belongs to csvkit library
.. code-block:: bash
csvcut apimarket-consulta.csv -c 'CURP' | xargs -P 8 -I {} apimarket -c {} 2>"error.txt" | jq -s > curps.json
.. _pyscaffold-notes:
Valida CURP API, es una API REST para la obtención y validación de los registros de nacimiento relacionados a la Clave Única de Registro de Población (CURP) en el Registro Nacional de Población (RENAPO) localizados en México en formato JSON. Este endpoint no usa un algoritmo, sino que consulta las fuentes oficiales. Este servicio cumple con la normativa de nuestra parte, te recomendamos leer nuestros nuestros términos y condiciones.
Más información en https://apimarket.mx/marketplace/valida-curp
Historial Laboral IMSS API
Historial Laboral IMSS API, es una API REST para la obtención del historial Laboral registrado en el IMSS con sus semanas cotizadas, fechas de alta y baja, asi como el salario, razón social y registro patronal del empleador localizados en México en formato JSON. Este endpoint no usa un algoritmo, sino que consulta las fuentes oficiales. Más información en https://apimarket.mx/marketplace/consultar-historial-laboral
Dudas y opiniones
Mediante correo electrónico: soporte@apimarket.mx
WhatsApp: https://api.whatsapp.com/message/CEUT72XQ5FKGP1