Arkindex CLI
Documentation for users is available in the docs folder, and online as
Dev setup
mkvirtualenv cli
pip install -e .
arkindex -h
Unit tests
Tox is used on this project to run all unit tests:
pip install tox
We use pre-commit to check the Python source code syntax of this project.
To avoid superfluous commits, always run pre-commit before committing.
To do that, run once :
pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install
The linting workflow will now run on modified files before committing, and may fix issues for you.
If you want to run the full workflow on all the files: pre-commit run -a
Please keep the documentation updated when modifying or adding commands.
It's pretty easy to do:
pip install .[docs]
mkdocs serve
You can then write in Markdown in the relevant docs/*.md
files, and see live output on http://localhost:8000