A python library for the AURSAD dataset.
Detailed description of the dataset and download.
The library contains several useful functionalities for preprocessing the dataset for ML applications:
- Creating numpy training and test datasets for sampled data
- Creating Keras TimeSeries generators
for sliding window data
- Prediction and classification mode
- In the default prediction mode, the target label of window is the label of the next sample. This can be
used to train a sliding window model that predicts the class of the next sample based on the window.
- In the classification mode, the target label of a window is the most common label in that window.
- Filtering the dataset
- Removing undesired columns as outlined in the paper
- 3 different types of labeling
- Full sample labeling where loosening and tightening motions are labeled together
- Separate sample labeling where loosening motion is given its own label
- 'Tighten' sample labeling, when only the tightening parts of the whole process are labeled as normal/anomalies,
loosening and movement parts of the motion get its own separate labels
- Binary labels -> every anomaly is given the same label
- Subsampling the data
- Dimensionality reduction using PCA or ANOVA F-values
- One-hot label encoding
- Zero padding the samples to equalise their length
- Z-score standardisation
- Taking data only from screwdriver sensors
The dataset contains 2045 samples in total. The robot was sampled with frequency of 100 Hz.
Type | Label | Samples | % |
Normal operation | 0 | 1420 | 69 |
Damaged screw | 1 | 221 | 11 |
Extra assembly component | 2 | 183 | 9 |
Missing screw | 3 | 218 | 11 |
Damaged thread samples | 4 | 3 | 0 |
Additionally, there are 2049 supplementary samples describing the loosening/screw picking motion, labeled 5.
AURSAD has been tested on Windows 10 and Python 3.8.
PIP installation
To install from pip with required dependencies use:
pip install aursad
Source installation
To install latest version from github, clone the source from the project repository and install with
git clone
cd robo-package
python install --user
The package presents to user two methods: get_dataset_numpy() and get_dataset_generator().
def get_dataset_numpy(path, onehot_labels=True, reduce_dimensionality=False, reduce_method='PCA', n_dimensions=60,
subsample_data=True, subsample_freq=2, train_size=0.7, random_state=42, normal_samples=1,
damaged_samples=1, assembly_samples=1, missing_samples=1, damaged_thread_samples=0,
loosening_samples=1, move_samples=1, drop_extra_columns=True, pad_data=True,
label_type='partial', binary_labels=False, standardize=False, screwdriver_only=False):
Create numpy dataset from input file
:param assembly_samples: float,
percentage of extra assembly samples to take
:param binary_labels: bool,
if True all anomalies are labeled the same
:param damaged_samples: float,
percentage of damaged samples to take
:param damaged_thread_samples: float,
percentage of damaged thread samples to take
:param drop_extra_columns: bool,
drop the extra columns as outlined in the paper
:param label_type: string,
'full', 'partial' or 'tighten'
:param loosening_samples: float,
percentage of loosening samples to take
:param missing_samples: float,
percentage of missing samples to take
:param move_samples: float,
percentage of movement samples to take
:param n_dimensions: int,
the target number of dimensions
:param normal_samples: float,
percentage of normal samples to take
:param onehot_labels: bool,
output onehot encoded labels
:param pad_data: bool,
if True pad data to equal length samples, if False return data in continuous form
:param path: path to the data
:param random_state: int,
random state for train_test split
:param reduce_dimensionality: bool,
reduce dimensionality of the dataset
:param reduce_method: string,
dimensionality reduction method to be used
:param screwdriver_only: bool,
take only the 4 dimensions from the screwdriver sensors
:param standardize: bool,
if True apply z-score standardisation
:param subsample_data: bool,
reduce number of events by taking every subsample_freq event
:param subsample_freq: int,
the frequency of subsampling
:param train_size: float,
percentage of data as training data
:return: 4 np arrays,
train and test data & labels
Sample usage:
import aursad
data_path = 'C:/Users/my_path/robot_data.h5'
train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y = aursad.get_dataset_numpy(data_path)
Sliding window
def get_dataset_generator(path, window_size=100, reduce_dimensionality=False, reduce_method='PCA', n_dimensions=60,
subsample_data=True, subsample_freq=2, train_size=0.7, random_state=42, normal_samples=1,
damaged_samples=1, assembly_samples=1, missing_samples=1, damaged_thread_samples=0,
loosening_samples=1, move_samples=1,drop_extra_columns=True, label_type='partial',
batch_size=256, binary_labels=False, standardize=False, screwdriver_only=False,
Create Keras sliding window generator from input file
:param assembly_samples: float,
percentage of extra assembly samples to take
:param batch_size: int,
batch size for the sliding window generator
:param binary_labels: bool,
if True all anomalies are labeled the same
:param damaged_samples: float,
percentage of damaged samples to take
:param damaged_thread_samples: float,
percentage of damaged thread samples to take
:param drop_extra_columns: bool,
drop the extra columns as outlined in the paper
:param label_type: string,
'full', 'partial' or 'tighten'
:param loosening_samples: float,
percentage of loosening samples to take
:param missing_samples: float,
percentage of missing samples to take
:param move_samples: float,
percentage of movement samples to take
:param n_dimensions: int,
the target number of dimensions
:param normal_samples: float,
percentage of normal samples to take
:param onehot_labels: bool,
output onehot encoded labels
:param path: path to the data
:param prediction_mode: bool,
if True the target of a window [x_0, x_100] is label of x_101, if False, the target is the most common label in [x_0, x_100]
:param random_state: int,
random state for train_test split
:param reduce_dimensionality: bool,
reduce dimensionality of the dataset
:param reduce_method: string,
dimensionality reduction method to be used
:param screwdriver_only: bool,
take only the 4 dimensions from the screwdriver sensors
:param standardize: bool,
if True apply z-score standardisation
:param subsample_data: bool,
reduce number of events by taking every subsample_freq event
:param subsample_freq: int,
the frequency of subsampling
:param train_size: float,
percentage of data as training data
:param window_size: int,
size of the sliding window
:return: 4 np arrays,
train and test data & labels
:return: keras TimeSeries generators,
train and test generators
Sample usage:
import aursad
data_path = 'C:/Users/my_path/robot_data.h5'
train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y, train_generator, test_generator = aursad.get_dataset_generator(data_path)