Configuration based Airflow pipelines with metric logging and alerting out the box.
Development environment
In order to develop awehflow for a given version of Airflow follow these steps
- Install and configure miniconda
- On Mac, if running ARM create an x86 version of conda using the snippet below
create_x86_conda_environment () {
CONDA_SUBDIR=osx-64 conda create $@
conda activate $2
conda config --env --set subdir osx-64
- Define the version that you'd like to install
export AIRFLOW_VERSION="2.1.4"
- Create a conda environment for your version of Airflow, the bash below
create_x86_conda_environment -n "airflow_$AIRFLOW_VERSION" "python=3.8.12"
- Configure the AIRFLOW_HOME directory
conda deactivate
conda activate "airflow_$AIRFLOW_VERSION"
conda env config vars set AIRFLOW_HOME="$HOME/airflow/airflow_$AIRFLOW_VERSION"
conda deactivate
conda activate airflow_"$AIRFLOW_VERSION"
- Install airflow using
conda activate airflow_$AIRFLOW_VERSION
pip install --no-cache-dir "apache-airflow==$AIRFLOW_VERSION"
- Install required providers
conda activate airflow_$AIRFLOW_VERSION
pip install --no-cache-dir "apache-airflow[google]==$AIRFLOW_VERSION"
pip install --no-cache-dir "apache-airflow-providers-ssh==3.7.0"
pip install --no-cache-dir "apache-airflow[postgres]==$AIRFLOW_VERSION"
- On MacOS ARM install the psycop binary
bash pip install --no-cache-dir "psycopg2-binary==`pip list | grep -i 'psycopg2 ' | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f 2`"
- Customisation per version
- For
1. force the MarkupSafe package version
pip install --no-cache-dir markupsafe==2.0.1
- For
1. force pendulum package version
pip install --no-cache-dir "pendulum==2.0.0"
1. force Flask-Session package version
pip install --no-cache-dir "Flask-Session==0.5.0"
- Install the awehflow requirements
pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt
- Init the airflow db
airflow db init
You will need the following to run this code:
pip install awehflow[default]
If you are installing on Google Cloud Composer with Airflow 1.10.2:
pip install awehflow[composer]
Event & metric tables
Create a postgresql
database that can be referenced via Airflow connection. In the DB create the following tables
Jobs data table
id serial4 NOT NULL,
run_id varchar NOT NULL,
dag_id varchar NULL,
"name" varchar NULL,
project varchar NULL,
status varchar NULL,
engineers json NULL,
error json NULL,
start_time timestamptz NULL,
end_time timestamptz NULL,
reference_time timestamptz NULL,
CONSTRAINT job_id_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id),
CONSTRAINT run_id_dag_id_unique UNIQUE (run_id, dag_id)
Task metrics table
CREATE TABLE public.task_metrics (
id serial4 NOT NULL,
run_id varchar NULL,
dag_id varchar NULL,
task_id varchar NULL,
job_name varchar NULL,
value json NULL,
created_time timestamptz NULL,
reference_time timestamptz NULL,
CONSTRAINT task_metrics_id_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)
Data metrics table
CREATE TABLE public.data_metrics (
id serial4 NOT NULL,
platform varchar NULL,
"source" varchar NULL,
"key" varchar NULL,
value json NULL,
reference_time timestamptz NULL,
CONSTRAINT data_metrics_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id),
CONSTRAINT unique_metric UNIQUE (platform, source, key, reference_time)
Usage of awehflow
can be broken up into two parts: bootstrapping and configuration of pipelines
In order to expose the generated pipelines (airflow
DAGs) for airflow
to pick up when scanning for DAGs, one has to create a DagLoader
that points to a folder where the pipeline configuration files will be located:
import os
from awehflow.alerts.slack import SlackAlerter
from awehflow.core import DagLoader
from import PostgresMetricsEventHandler
"""airflow doesn't pick up DAGs in files unless
the words 'airflow' and 'DAG' features"""
configs_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'configs')
metrics_handler = PostgresMetricsEventHandler(jobs_table='jobs', task_metrics_table='task_metrics')
slack_alerter = SlackAlerter(channel='#airflow')
loader = DagLoader(
dags = loader.load(global_symbol_table=globals())
As seen in the code snippet, one can also pass in "event handlers" and "alerters" to perform actions on certain pipeline events and potentially alert the user of certain events on a given channel. See the sections below for more detail.
The global symbol table needs to be passed to the loader
since airflow
scans it for objects of type DAG
, and then synchronises the state with its own internal state store.
*caveat: airflow
ignores python
files that don't contain the words "airflow" and "DAG". It is thus advised to put those words in a comment to ensure the generated DAGs get picked up when the DagBag
is getting filled.
Event Handlers
As a pipeline generated using awehflow
is running, certain events get emitted. An event handler gives the user the option of running code when these events occur.
The following events are (potentially) potentially emitted as a pipeline runs:
Existing event handlers include:
: persists pipeline metrics to a Postgres databasePublishToGooglePubSubEventHandler
: events get passed straight to a Google Pub/Sub topic
An AlertsEventHandler
gets automatically added to a pipeline. Events get passed along to registered alerters.
An Alerter
is merely a class that implements an alert
method. By default a SlackAlerter
is configured in the dags/PROJECT/
file of an awehflow project. awehflow supports the addition of multiple alerters, which allows success or failure events to be sent to mutliple channels
YAML configuration
In order to add alerts to an awehflow DAG add the following to the root space of the configuration
- 'failure'
- 'success'
Available alerters
- awehflow.alerts.slack.SlackAlerter
Sends an alert to a specified slack channel via the Slack webhook functionality
- Parameters
- The name of the channel that the alerts should be sent toslack_conn_id
- The name of the airflow connection that contains the token information, default: slack_default
- Connection requirements - Create a HTTP connection with the name specified for
, the required HTTP fields are:
- The slack token issued by your admin team, which allows for the sending of messages via the slack python API
- awehflow.alerts.googlechat.GoogleChatAlerter
Sends an alert to the configured Google Chat space
- Parameters
- The name of the airflow connection that contains the GChat space information, default: gchat_default
- Connection requirements - Create a HTTP connection with the name specified for the
, the requried HTTP fields are:
- The GChat spaces URL
- The GChat spaces key configuration information, ex
- Should be supplied by your GChat admin teamSPACES_KEY
- Should be supplied by your GChat admin team
Awehflow configuration files can be written as .yml OR .hocon files either formats are supported
Shown below is sample hocon configuration file
name: my_first_dag,
version: 1,
description: "This is my first dag",
owner: The name of the owner of the DAG
schedule: "10 0 * * *",
start_date: 2022-01-01,
end_date: 2022-01-01,
catchup: true,
concurrency: 1
max_active_tasks: 1
max_active_runs: 1
dagrun_timeout: None
doc_md: The DAG documentation markdown
access_control: None
is_paused_upon_creation: None
tags: [
'tag one',
'tag two'
dag_params: {
'config_value_1': 'SOME TEXT',
'config_value_2': 1234
params: {
default: {
source_folder: /tmp
production: {
source_folder: /data
default_dag_args: {
retries: 1
pre_hooks: [
id: 'pre_hook_ping_sensor'
operator: 'airflow.sensors.bash.BashSensor'
params: {
bash_command: 'echo ping'
mode: 'reschedule'
dependencies: [
id: 'dependenciy_ping_sensor'
operator: 'airflow.sensors.bash.BashSensor'
params: {
bash_command: 'echo ping'
mode: 'reschedule'
tasks: [
id: first_dummy_task,
operator: airflow.operators.dummy.DummyOperator,
id: first_bash_task,
operator: airflow.operators.bash.BashOperator,
params: {
bash_command: 'echo "Hello World"'
upstream: [
This configuration does the following:
- Creates a DAG called
- Scheduled to run daily 10min past midnight
- Catchup has been enabled to ensure all runs of the DAG since 2022-01-01 are executed
- Pre hooks
- Check if the command
echo ping
- Dependencies
- Check if the command
echo ping
- Tasks
- First run a dummy task that does nothing
- If the dummy task succeeds, execute the bash command
Running the tests
Tests may be run with
python -m unittest discover tests
or to run code coverage too:
coverage run -m unittest discover tests && coverage html