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Yet another set of scripts and shell functions for managing AWS profiles and cross account access.



============== aws-shelltools

Yet another set of scripts and shell functions for managing AWS profiles and cross account access.


Install into python virual environment::

source ~/path-to-venv/bin/activate pip install aws-shelltools

Install from editable local repository::

git clone cd aws-shelltools pip install -r requirements.txt pip install -e .


pip uninstall aws-shelltools


aws-shelltools-setup . ~/.bashrc

The shelltools:

aws-profile Set or display value of shell environment var AWS_PROFILE

aws-region Set or display value of shell environment var AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE

aws-env Print current values of all AWS environment vars

aws-set-mfa-token Request temporary session credentials from AWS STS. Export these credentials to environment vars in the current shell.

aws-make-config Generate aws client config file by listing group assume role policies. You must set your MFA token before you run this command.

aws-list-roles Print list of available AWS assume role profiles.

aws-assume-role Run 'aws sts assume-role' operation to obtain temporary assumed role credentials for the specified profile. Export these credentials to environment vars in the current shell.

aws-refresh Reset mfa token. If environment var AWS_ASSUMED_ROLE_PROFILE is already set from a previous session, then rerun 'aws sts assume-role' operation for that profile.

aws-display-assumed-role Print current values of AWS assumed role environment vars

aws-whoami Print output of 'aws sts get-caller-identity

aws-export-env Cache AWS environment vars to local file for use by other shells

aws-import-env Evaluate cached AWS evironment vars into current shell

aws-drop-assumed-role Reset AWS session environment vars to values prior to assuming role

aws-unset-mfa-token Unset all AWS session token environemt vars


Run each command with -h option for full usage info.

aws-profile [] aws-region [] aws-set-mfa-token aws-make-config aws-list-roles aws-assume-role aws-refresh

aws-display-assumed-role aws-whoami aws-env aws-export-env aws-import-env

aws-drop-assumed-role aws-unset-mfa-token

Configure Assume Role Profiles

If you have not yet set up your AWS CLI access, skip to section Awscli/Python Setup_ before proceeding.

Set your MFA token and assume role to one of your configured assume role profiles::

(python3.6) ashleygould$ aws-set-mfa-token please enter 6 digit token code for your MFA device: 351918 (python3.6) ashleygould$ aws-assume-role ashley-training-OrgAdmin (python3.6) ashleygould$ aws-whoami { "UserId": "AROAIMADVT2W7CODNCP7W:agould@ashley-training-OrgAdmin", "Account": "111111111111", "Arn": "arn:aws:sts::111111111111:assumed-role/OrgAdmin/agould@ashley-training-OrgAdmin" }

Now you can run aws-make-config to generate your assume role profiles based on your group membership in a central auth account. These are written to ~/.aws/config.d/config.aws_shelltools::

(python3.6) ashleygould$ aws-make-config (python3.6) ashleygould$ head ~/.aws/config.d/config.aws_shelltools [profile ashley-training-OrgAdmin] role_arn = arn:aws:iam::111111111111:role/awsauth/OrgAdmin role_session_name = agould@ashley-training-OrgAdmin source_profile = default

[profile Auth-OrgAdmin] role_arn = arn:aws:iam::222222222222:role/awsauth/OrgAdmin role_session_name = agould@Auth-OrgAdmin source_profile = default

See a listing or all your available AWS profiles::

(python3.6) ashleygould$ aws-list-roles profile Auth-OrgAdmin profile OrgMaster-OrgAdmin profile ashley-training-OrgAdmin profile eas-dev-OrgAdmin profile eas-prod-OrgAdmin

You can shorten the profile name at the command line to a unique prefix::

(python3.6) ashleygould$ aws-assume-role eas Your specified profile 'eas' matches multiple configured profiles. Select one from the list below and try again: eas-dev-OrgAdmin eas-prod-OrgAdmin ucop-itssandbox-eas-OrgAdmin (python3.6) ashleygould$ aws-assume-role eas-dev (python3.6) ashleygould$ aws-whoami { "UserId": "AROAJFPJVRDRDFUZJLZVG:agould@eas-dev-OrgAdmin", "Account": "111111111111", "Arn": "arn:aws:sts::111111111111:assumed-role/OrgAdmin/agould@eas-dev-OrgAdmin" }

Awscli/Python Setup

The above install insturctions assume you have a working knowledge of python and awscli. If you are new at this, refer to the excellent AWS documentation:

This covers installation of python and python virtual environments for Linux, MacOS, and Windows. Once your python is happy, running the installation of aws-shelltools will ensure awscliand boto3 are also properly installed.

AWS Access Key Setup

Before you can use any of this stuff, you must create your AWS access key and secret access key and confiture your AWS shell profile. see:

Log into AWS console and create an AWS Access key as per AWS doc. From your shell run the aws configure command and cut-n-paste your access key/secret key from the console to the command line as prompted. This creates your default profile::

(python3.6) ashleygould$ aws configure AWS Access Key ID [None]: AKIW5AFPSNQ AWS Secret Access Key [None]: U/QotA************543vuYB Default region name [None]: us-west-2 Default output format [None]:

(python3.6) ashleygould$ cat .aws/config [default] region = us-west-2

(python3.6) its-agould-9m:~ ashleygould$ aws-whoami { "UserId": "AIDAJ2SLREGRDKVFOB6CI", "Account": "112233445566", "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::112233445566:user/awsauth/orgadmin/agould" }

Working With Codecommit Repositories

To access codecommit repositories from the commandline after assuming a role, you must first configure git to use the AWS codecommit credential-helper::

git config --global credential.helper '!aws codecommit credential-helper $@' git config --global credential.UseHttpPath true



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