aws-ssm-tools - AWS System Manager Tools

Helper tools for AWS Systems Manager: ec2-session
, ec2-ssh
and ssm-tunnel
and for ECS Docker Exec: ecs-session
Scripts included
ec2-session (formerly ssm-session)
Wrapper around aws ssm start-session
that can open
SSM Session to an instance specified by Name or IP Address.
It doesn't need user credentials or even sshd
running on the instance.
Check out SSM Sessions the easy
way for an example use.
Works with any Linux or Windows EC2 instance registered in SSM.
Wrapper around aws ecs execute-command
that can run a command
or open an interactive session to an Exec-enabled ECS container
specified by the service, name, IP address, etc.
It doesn't need user credentials or sshd
running on the container,
however the containers must be configured to allow this access.
Check out Interactive shell in ECS Containers
for an example use.
ec2-ssh (formerly ssm-ssh)
Open an SSH connection to the remote server through Systems Manager
without the need for open firewall or direct internet access. SSH can
then be used to forward ports, copy files, etc.
Unlike ssm-tunnel
it doesn't create a full VPN link, however it's in
some aspects more versatile as it can be used with rsync
, scp
, etc.
It works with any client that can run SSH (including Mac OS-X) and
doesn't require a special agent on the instance, other than the standard
AWS SSM agent.
Also supports pushing your SSH key to the instance with --send-key
EC2 Instance Connect, although that's an odd name for this function).
Open IP tunnel to the SSM instance and to enable network access
to the instance VPC. This requires ssm-tunnel-agent
installed on the instance.
Works with Amazon Linux 2 instances and probably other recent Linux
EC2 instances. Requires Linux on the client side - if you are on Mac
or Windows you can install a Linux VM in a VirtualBox.
Requires ssm-tunnel-agent
installed on the instance - see below for
List instances available for connection
~ $ ec2-session --list
i-07c189021bc56e042 test1
i-094df06d3633f3267 tunnel-test
i-02689d593e17f2b75 winbox
If you're like me and have access to many different AWS accounts you
can select the right one with --profile
and / or change the --region
~ $ ec2-session --profile aws-sandpit --region us-west-2 --list
i-0beb42b1e6b60ac10 uswest2
Alternatively use the standard AWS environment variables:
~ $ export AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE=aws-sandpit
~ $ export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-west-2
~ $ ec2-session --list
i-0beb42b1e6b60ac10 uswest2
Open SSM session to an instance:
This opens an interactive shell session over SSM without the need for
a password or SSH key. Note that by default the login user is ssm-user
You can specify most a different user with e.g. --user ec2-user
even --user root
~ $ ec2-session -v test1 --user ec2-user
Starting session with SessionId: botocore-session-0d381a3ef740153ac
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-45-158] ~ $ hostname
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-45-158] ~ $ id
uid=1000(ec2-user) gid=1000(ec2-user) groups=1000(ec2-user),...
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-45-158] ~ $ ^D
Exiting session with sessionId: botocore-session-0d381a3ef740153ac.
~ $
You can specify other SSM documents to run with --document-name AWS-...
to customise your session. Refer to AWS docs for details.
Open SSH session over SSM with port forwarding.
The ec2-ssh
tool provides a connection and authentication mechanism
for running SSH over Systems Manager.
The target instance does not need a public IP address, it also does
not need an open SSH port in the Security Group. All it needs is to be
registered in the Systems Manager.
All ssh
options are supported, go wild. In this example we will
forward port 3306 to our MySQL RDS database using the standard
SSH port forwarding method.
~ $ ec2-ssh ec2-user@test1 -L -i ~/.ssh/aws-nz.pem
[ec2-ssh] INFO: Resolved instance name 'test1' to 'i-07c189021bc56e042'
[ec2-ssh] INFO: Running: ssh -o ProxyCommand='aws ssm start-session --target %h --document-name AWS-StartSSHSession --parameters portNumber=%p' i-07c189021bc56e042 -l ec2-user -L -i ~/.ssh/aws-nz.pem
OpenSSH_7.6p1 Ubuntu-4ubuntu0.3, OpenSSL 1.0.2n 7 Dec 2017
Last login: Sun Apr 12 20:05:09 2020 from localhost
__| __|_ )
_| ( / Amazon Linux 2 AMI
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-45-158] ~ $
From another terminal we can now connect to the MySQL RDS. Since the
port 3306 is forwarded from localhost through the tunnel we will
instruct mysql
client to connect to
~ $ mysql -h -u {RdsMasterUser} -p
Enter password: {RdsMasterPassword}
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Server version: 5.6.10 MySQL Community Server (GPL)
MySQL [(none)]> show processlist;
| Id | User | Host |
| 52 | rdsadmin | localhost |
| 289 | masteruser | | <<< Connection from test1 IP
2 rows in set (0.04 sec)
Use rsync
with ec2-ssh
to copy files to/from EC2 instance.
Since in the end we run a standard ssh
client we can use it with
rsync to copy files to/from the
EC2 instance.
~ $ rsync -e ec2-ssh -Prv ec2-user@test1:some-file.tar.gz .
31,337,841 100% 889.58kB/s 0:00:34 (xfr#1, to-chk=0/1)
sent 43 bytes received 31,345,607 bytes 814,172.73 bytes/sec
total size is 31,337,841 speedup is 1.00
We can also select a different AWS profile and/or region:
~ $ rsync -e "ec2-ssh --profile aws-sandpit --region us-west-2" -Prv ...
Alternatively set the profile and region through standard AWS
environment variables AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE
Create IP tunnel and SSH to another instance in the VPC through it.
We will use --route
that gives us access to the VPC CIDR.
~ $ ssm-tunnel -v tunnel-test --route
[ssm-tunnel] INFO: Local IP: / Remote IP:
00:00:15 | In: 156.0 B @ 5.2 B/s | Out: 509.0 B @ 40.4 B/s
Leave it running and from another shell ssh
to one of the instances listed
with --list
above. For example to test1
that's got VPC IP
~ $ ssh ec2-user@
Last login: Tue Jun 18 20:50:59 2019 from
[ec2-user@test1 ~]$ w -i
21:20:43 up 1:43, 1 user, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
ec2-user pts/0 21:20 3.00s 0.02s 0.00s w -i
[ec2-user@test1 ~]$ exit
Connection to closed.
~ $
Note the source IP
that belongs to the tunnel-test
instance - our connections will appear as if they come from this instance.
Obviously the Security Groups of your other instances must allow SSH
access from the IP or SG of your tunnelling instance.
All these tools support --help
and a set of common parameters:
--profile PROFILE, -p PROFILE
Configuration profile from ~/.aws/{credentials,config}
--region REGION, -g REGION
Set / override AWS region.
--verbose, -v Increase log level.
--debug, -d Increase log level even more.
only supports the long options to prevent conflict with ssh
own short options that are being passed through.
Standard AWS environment variables like AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE
, etc, are also supported.
All the tools use AWS CLI to open SSM Session and then use that
session to run commands on the target instance. The target instances must be
registered in SSM, which means they need:
- connectivity to SSM endpoint, e.g. through public IP, NAT Gateway, or
SSM VPC endpoint.
- EC2 instance IAM Role with permissions to connect to Systems Manager.
Follow the detailed instructions at Using SSM Session Manager for
interactive instance access
for more informations.
Install AWS CLI and session-manager-plugin
Make sure you've got aws
and session-manager-plugin
installed locally
on your laptop.
~ $ aws --version
aws-cli/1.18.31 Python/3.6.9 Linux/5.3.0-42-generic botocore/1.15.31
~ $ session-manager-plugin --version
Follow AWS CLI installation
and session-manager-plugin
installation guide to install them if needed.
Note that ec2-ssh
needs session-manager-plugin
version 1.1.23 or
newer. Upgrade if your version is older.
Register your instances with Systems Manager
Amazon Linux 2 instances already have the amazon-ssm-agent
installed and
running. All they need to register with Systems Manager is
AmazonEC2RoleforSSM managed role in their IAM Instance Role and network
access to ssm.{region}
either directly or through a https proxy.
Check out the detailed instructions for more info.
Install SSM-Tools (finally! :)
The easiest way is to install the ssm-tools from PyPI repository:
sudo pip3 install aws-ssm-tools
NOTE: SSM Tools require Python 3.6 or newer. Only the ssm-tunnel-agent
requires Python 2.7 or newer as that's what's available by default
on Amazon Linux 2 instances.
Standalone ssm-tunnel-agent installation
Refer to for ssm-tunnel-agent
installation details.
Alternatively it's also bundled with this package, you can take it from here and
copy to /usr/local/bin/ssm-tunnel-agent
on the instance. Make it executable
and it should just work.
Other AWS Utilities
Check out AWS Utils
repository for more useful AWS tools.
Author and License
All these scripts were written by Michael Ludvig
and are released under Apache License 2.0.