(pronounced A-W-Simple)
Simple API for basic AWS services such as S3 (Simple Storage Service), DynamoDB (a NoSQL database), SNS (Simple Notification Service),
and SQS (Simple Queuing Service).
Project featured on PythonBytes Podcast Episode #224.
Full documentation available on Read the Docs .
Simple Object Oriented API on top of boto3
One-line S3 file write, read, and delete
Automatic S3 retries
Locally cached S3 accesses
True file hashing (SHA512) for S3 files (S3's etag is not a true file hash)
DynamoDB full table scans (with local cache option)
DynamoDB secondary indexes
Built-in pagination (e.g. for DynamoDB table scans and queries). Always get everything you asked for.
Can automatically set SQS timeouts based on runtime data (can also be user-specified)
Supports moto mock and localstack. Handy for testing and CI.
pip install awsimple
The example folder has several examples you can customize and run. Instructions are available in examples
# print string contents of an existing S3 object
s = S3Access(profile_name="testawsimple", bucket="testawsimple").read_string("helloworld.txt")
dynamodb_access = DynamoDBAccess(profile_name="testawsimple", table_name="testawsimple")
# put an item into DynamoDB
dynamodb_access.put_item({"id": "batman", "city": "Gotham"})
# now get it back
item = dynamodb_access.get_item("id", "batman")
print(item["city"]) # Gotham
is a simple interface into basic AWS services such as S3 (Simple Storage Service) and
DynamoDB (a simple NoSQL database). It has a set of higher level default settings and behavior
that should cover many basic usage models.
AWS's "serverless" resources offer many benefits. You only pay for what you use, easily scale,
and generally have high performance and availability.
While AWS has many varied services with extensive flexibility, using it for more straight-forward
applications is sometimes a daunting task. There are access modes that are probably not requried
and some default behaviors are not best for common usages. awsimple
aims to create a higher
level API to AWS services (such as S3, DynamoDB, SNS, and SQS) to improve programmer productivity.
calculates the local file hash (sha512) and inserts it into the S3 object metadata. This is used
to test for file equivalency.
S3 objects and DynamoDB tables can be cached locally to reduce network traffic, minimize AWS costs,
and potentially offer a speedup.
DynamoDB cached table scans are particularly useful for tables that are infrequently updated.
Is Not
is not necessarily the most memory and CPU efficient
does not provide cost monitoring hooks
does not provide all the options and features that the regular AWS API (e.g. boto3) does
3.x.x - Cache life for cached DynamoDB scans is now based on most recent table modification time (kept in a separate
table). Explict cache life is no longer required (parameter has been removed).
Testing using moto mock and localstack
moto mock-ing can improve performance and reduce AWS costs. awsimple
supports both moto mock and localstack.
In general, it's recommended to develop with mock and finally test with the real AWS services.
Select via environment variables:
- AWSIMPLE_USE_LOCALSTACK=1 # use localstack
Test Time
AWS | 462.65 | 1x | baseline |
mock | 40.46 | 11x | faster than AWS |
localstack | 2246.82 | 0.2x | slower than AWS |
System: Intel® Core™ i7 CPU @ 3.47GHz, 32 GB RAM
Contributions are welcome, and more information is available in the contributing guide.