Microsoft Azure SDK for Python
This is the Microsoft Azure Synapse Management Client Library.
This package has been tested with Python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8.
For a more complete view of Azure libraries, see the azure sdk python release
To learn how to use this package, see the quickstart guide
For docs and references, see Python SDK References
Code samples for this package can be found at Synapse Management on
Additional code samples for different Azure services are available at Samples Repo
Provide Feedback
If you encounter any bugs or have suggestions, please file an issue in the
section of the project.

Release History
2.0.0 (2021-04-07)
- Model WorkspacePatchInfo has a new parameter public_network_access
- Model Workspace has a new parameter public_network_access
Breaking changes
- Model WorkspacePatchInfo no longer has parameter network_settings
- Model Workspace no longer has parameter network_settings
1.0.0 (2021-03-10)
- Model WorkspacePatchInfo has a new parameter network_settings
- Model WorkspacePatchInfo has a new parameter encryption
- Model SqlPoolPatchInfo has a new parameter storage_account_type
- Model BigDataPoolResourceInfo has a new parameter dynamic_executor_allocation
- Model BigDataPoolResourceInfo has a new parameter last_succeeded_timestamp
- Model BigDataPoolResourceInfo has a new parameter cache_size
- Model BigDataPoolResourceInfo has a new parameter custom_libraries
- Model Workspace has a new parameter network_settings
- Model Workspace has a new parameter adla_resource_id
- Model SqlPoolColumn has a new parameter is_computed
- Model WorkspaceRepositoryConfiguration has a new parameter tenant_id
- Model WorkspaceRepositoryConfiguration has a new parameter last_commit_id
- Model SqlPool has a new parameter storage_account_type
- Model SensitivityLabel has a new parameter rank
- Model SensitivityLabel has a new parameter schema_name
- Model SensitivityLabel has a new parameter table_name
- Model SensitivityLabel has a new parameter managed_by
- Model SensitivityLabel has a new parameter column_name
- Added operation DataMaskingRulesOperations.get
- Added operation WorkspaceManagedIdentitySqlControlSettingsOperations.begin_create_or_update
- Added operation SqlPoolSensitivityLabelsOperations.update
- Added operation SqlPoolGeoBackupPoliciesOperations.create_or_update
- Added operation SqlPoolsOperations.rename
- Added operation group PrivateLinkHubPrivateLinkResourcesOperations
- Added operation group SqlPoolRecommendedSensitivityLabelsOperations
- Added operation group LibraryOperations
- Added operation group LibrariesOperations
- Added operation group SqlPoolMaintenanceWindowOptionsOperations
- Added operation group SqlPoolMaintenanceWindowsOperations
- Added operation group WorkspaceManagedSqlServerRecoverableSqlPoolsOperations
- Added operation group WorkspaceManagedSqlServerEncryptionProtectorOperations
Breaking changes
- Model BigDataPoolResourceInfo no longer has parameter have_library_requirements_changed
- Model ErrorResponse has a new signature
- Model ErrorDetail has a new signature
- Removed operation WorkspaceManagedIdentitySqlControlSettingsOperations.create_or_update
- Removed operation group WorkspaceManagedSqlServerRecoverableSqlpoolsOperations
1.0.0b1 (2020-12-10)
This is beta preview version.
This version uses a next-generation code generator that introduces important breaking changes, but also important new features (like unified authentication and async programming).
General breaking changes
Credential system has been completly revamped:
or msrestazure.azure_active_directory
instances are no longer supported, use the azure-identity
classes instead:
parameter has been renamed credential
The config
attribute no longer exists on a client, configuration should be passed as kwarg. Example: MyClient(credential, subscription_id, enable_logging=True)
. For a complete set of
supported options, see the parameters accept in init documentation of azure-core
You can't import a version
module anymore, use __version__
Operations that used to return a msrest.polling.LROPoller
now returns a azure.core.polling.LROPoller
and are prefixed with begin_
Exceptions tree have been simplified and most exceptions are now azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError
has been removed).
Most of the operation kwarg have changed. Some of the most noticeable:
General new features
- Type annotations support using
. SDKs are mypy ready. - This client has now stable and official support for async. Check the
namespace of your package to find the async client. - This client now support natively tracing library like OpenCensus or OpenTelemetry. See this tracing quickstart for an overview.
0.5.0 (2020-11-23)
- Model SelfHostedIntegrationRuntimeStatus has a new parameter node_communication_channel_encryption_mode
- Model MetadataSyncConfig has a new parameter sync_interval_in_minutes
- Model BigDataPoolResourceInfo has a new parameter spark_config_properties
- Model BigDataPoolResourceInfo has a new parameter session_level_packages_enabled
- Model BigDataPoolResourceInfo has a new parameter have_library_requirements_changed
- Model Workspace has a new parameter workspace_uid
- Model Workspace has a new parameter managed_virtual_network_settings
- Model Workspace has a new parameter purview_configuration
- Model Workspace has a new parameter workspace_repository_configuration
- Model Workspace has a new parameter encryption
- Model PrivateLinkHub has a new parameter private_endpoint_connections
- Model WorkspacePatchInfo has a new parameter managed_virtual_network_settings
- Model WorkspacePatchInfo has a new parameter purview_configuration
- Model WorkspacePatchInfo has a new parameter workspace_repository_configuration
- Added operation SqlPoolSecurityAlertPoliciesOperations.list
- Added operation SqlPoolTransparentDataEncryptionsOperations.list
- Added operation IntegrationRuntimesOperations.disable_interactive_query
- Added operation IntegrationRuntimesOperations.enable_interactive_query
- Added operation SqlPoolRestorePointsOperations.get
- Added operation SqlPoolRestorePointsOperations.delete
- Added operation SqlPoolReplicationLinksOperations.get_by_name
- Added operation SqlPoolTablesOperations.get
- Added operation SqlPoolBlobAuditingPoliciesOperations.list_by_sql_pool
- Added operation SqlPoolVulnerabilityAssessmentScansOperations.get
- Added operation IntegrationRuntimeObjectMetadataOperations.list
- Added operation SqlPoolVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselinesOperations.get
- Added operation SqlPoolSchemasOperations.get
- Added operation SqlPoolSensitivityLabelsOperations.get
- Added operation SqlPoolGeoBackupPoliciesOperations.list
- Added operation IntegrationRuntimeMonitoringDataOperations.list
- Added operation group DataMaskingRulesOperations
- Added operation group WorkspaceManagedSqlServerUsagesOperations
- Added operation group WorkspaceManagedSqlServerBlobAuditingPoliciesOperations
- Added operation group ExtendedSqlPoolBlobAuditingPoliciesOperations
- Added operation group SqlPoolWorkloadGroupOperations
- Added operation group DataMaskingPoliciesOperations
- Added operation group KeysOperations
- Added operation group WorkspaceManagedSqlServerExtendedBlobAuditingPoliciesOperations
- Added operation group SqlPoolWorkloadClassifierOperations
- Added operation group WorkspaceManagedSqlServerRecoverableSqlpoolsOperations
- Added operation group WorkspaceSqlAadAdminsOperations
- Added operation group RestorableDroppedSqlPoolsOperations
- Added operation group WorkspaceManagedSqlServerVulnerabilityAssessmentsOperations
- Added operation group PrivateEndpointConnectionsPrivateLinkHubOperations
- Added operation group SqlPoolColumnsOperations
- Added operation group WorkspaceManagedSqlServerSecurityAlertPolicyOperations
Breaking changes
- Operation PrivateEndpointConnectionsOperations.create has a new signature
- Operation PrivateEndpointConnectionsOperations.create has a new signature
- Operation SqlPoolMetadataSyncConfigsOperations.create has a new signature
- Operation PrivateLinkHubsOperations.create_or_update has a new signature
- Removed operation SqlPoolsOperations.rename
- Removed operation IntegrationRuntimeObjectMetadataOperations.get
- Removed operation IntegrationRuntimeMonitoringDataOperations.get
0.4.0 (2020-09-25)
- Model BigDataPoolResourceInfo has a new parameter is_compute_isolation_enabled
- Model Workspace has a new parameter extra_properties
- Model Sku has a new parameter capacity
0.3.0 (2020-06-17)
- Added operation group PrivateLinkHubsOperations
0.2.0 (2020-04-09)
- Model Workspace has a new parameter private_endpoint_connections
- Model Workspace has a new parameter managed_virtual_network
- Added operation IpFirewallRulesOperations.get
- Added operation group IntegrationRuntimeCredentialsOperations
- Added operation group IntegrationRuntimeAuthKeysOperations
- Added operation group IntegrationRuntimeNodesOperations
- Added operation group PrivateLinkResourcesOperations
- Added operation group IntegrationRuntimeObjectMetadataOperations
- Added operation group IntegrationRuntimeStatusOperations
- Added operation group IntegrationRuntimeConnectionInfosOperations
- Added operation group IntegrationRuntimeMonitoringDataOperations
- Added operation group PrivateEndpointConnectionsOperations
- Added operation group IntegrationRuntimeNodeIpAddressOperations
- Added operation group IntegrationRuntimesOperations
0.1.0 (2020-02-27)