Balladeer_ is a Python package for creating web-enabled interactive screenplay.
For tutorials and updates, please visit the development blog
_ site.
An API manual is included in the code repository
_ and is available to read online
Here are the install instructions for Linux. You need Python version 3.11 or higher.
Virtual Environment
#. First make a fresh Python virtual environment::
python3 -m venv ~/ballad
#. Update the package manager within it::
~/ballad/bin/python -m pip install -U pip wheel
#. Install (or update) Balladeer::
~/ballad/bin/python -m pip install -U balladeer
#. Download the repository as a zip file <https://github.com/tundish/balladeer/archive/master.zip>
Unzip it to a local directory.
#. cd
to one of the directories under examples
cd balladeer/examples/ex_00_hello_world
#. Run the example like this::
~/ballad/bin/python -m main
Hello, World!
.. _balladeer: https://pypi.org/project/balladeer/
.. _code repository: https://github.com/tundish/balladeer
.. _development blog: https://tundish.github.io/balladeer/
.. _read online: https://balladeer.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html