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OSINT automation for hackers.





A Recursive Internet Scanner for Hackers.

Python Version License DEF CON Demo Labs 2023 PyPi Downloads Black Tests Codecov Discord

BBOT (Bighuge BLS OSINT Tool) is a recursive internet scanner inspired by Spiderfoot, but designed to be faster, more reliable, and friendlier to pentesters, bug bounty hunters, and developers.

Special features include:

  • Support for Multiple Targets
  • Web Screenshots
  • Suite of Offensive Web Modules
  • AI-powered Subdomain Mutations
  • Native Output to Neo4j (and more)
  • Python API + Developer Documentation

A BBOT scan in real-time - visualization with VivaGraphJS

Quick Start Guide

Below are some short help sections to get you up and running.

Installation ( Pip )

Note: BBOT's PyPi package requires Linux and Python 3.9+.

# stable version
pipx install bbot

# bleeding edge (dev branch)
pipx install --pip-args '\--pre' bbot

bbot --help
Installation ( Docker )

Docker images are provided, along with helper script to persist your scan data.

# bleeding edge (dev)
docker run -it blacklanternsecurity/bbot --help

# stable
docker run -it blacklanternsecurity/bbot:stable --help

# helper script
git clone && cd bbot
./ --help
Example Usage

Example Commands

Scan output, logs, etc. are saved to ~/.bbot. For more detailed examples and explanations, see Scanning.


# Perform a full subdomain enumeration on
bbot -t -f subdomain-enum

Subdomains (passive only):

# Perform a passive-only subdomain enumeration on
bbot -t -f subdomain-enum -rf passive

Subdomains + port scan + web screenshots:

# Port-scan every subdomain, screenshot every webpage, output to current directory
bbot -t -f subdomain-enum -m nmap gowitness -n my_scan -o .

Subdomains + basic web scan:

# A basic web scan includes wappalyzer, robots.txt, and other non-intrusive web modules
bbot -t -f subdomain-enum web-basic

Web spider:

# Crawl up to a max depth of 2, automatically extracting emails, secrets, etc.
bbot -t -m httpx robots badsecrets secretsdb -c web_spider_distance=2 web_spider_depth=2

Everything everywhere all at once:

# Subdomains, emails, cloud buckets, port scan, basic web, web screenshots, nuclei
bbot -t -f subdomain-enum email-enum cloud-enum web-basic -m nmap gowitness nuclei --allow-deadly


BBOT accepts an unlimited number of targets via -t. You can specify targets either directly on the command line or in files (or both!):

bbot -t -f subdomain-enum

Targets can be any of the following:

  • DNS_NAME (
  • IP_RANGE (
  • URL (

For more information, see Targets. To learn how BBOT handles scope, see Scope.

API Keys

Similar to Amass or Subfinder, BBOT supports API keys for various third-party services such as SecurityTrails, etc.

The standard way to do this is to enter your API keys in ~/.config/bbot/secrets.yml:

    api_key: 4f41243847da693a4f356c0486114bc6
    api_key: 21a270d5f59c9b05813a72bb41707266
    api_key: dd5f0eee2e4a99b71a939bded450b246
    api_key: d9a05c3fd9a514497713c54b4455d0b0

If you like, you can also specify them on the command line:

bbot -c modules.virustotal.api_key=dd5f0eee2e4a99b71a939bded450b246

For details, see Configuration

BBOT as a Python Library

BBOT exposes a Python API that allows it to be used for all kinds of fun and nefarious purposes, like a Discord Bot that responds to the /scan command.



from bbot.scanner import Scanner

# any number of targets can be specified
scan = Scanner("", "", modules=["nmap", "sslcert"])
for event in scan.start():


from bbot.scanner import Scanner

async def main():
    scan = Scanner("", "", modules=["nmap", "sslcert"])
    async for event in scan.async_start():

import asyncio
Documentation - Table of Contents

BBOT is constantly being improved by the community. Every day it grows more powerful!

We welcome contributions. Not just code, but ideas too! If you have an idea for a new feature, please let us know in Discussions. If you want to get your hands dirty, see Contribution. There you can find setup instructions and a simple tutorial on how to write a BBOT module. We also have extensive Developer Documentation.

Thanks to these amazing people for contributing to BBOT! :heart:

Special thanks to the following people who made BBOT possible:

  • @TheTechromancer for creating BBOT
  • @liquidsec for his extensive work on BBOT's web hacking features, including badsecrets
  • Steve Micallef (@smicallef) for creating Spiderfoot
  • @kerrymilan for his Neo4j and Ansible expertise
  • Aleksei Kornev (@alekseiko) for allowing us ownership of the bbot Pypi repository <3

Comparison to Other Tools

BBOT consistently finds 20-50% more subdomains than other tools. The bigger the domain, the bigger the difference. To learn how this is possible, see How It Works.


BBOT Modules By Flag

For a full list of modules, including the data types consumed and emitted by each one, see List of Modules.

Flag# ModulesDescriptionModules
safe76Non-intrusive, safe to runaffiliates, aggregate, ajaxpro, anubisdb, asn, azure_realm, azure_tenant, badsecrets, bevigil, binaryedge, bucket_amazon, bucket_azure, bucket_digitalocean, bucket_file_enum, bucket_firebase, bucket_google, builtwith, c99, censys, certspotter, chaos, columbus, credshed, crobat, crt, dehashed, digitorus, dnscommonsrv, dnsdumpster, dnszonetransfer, emailformat, filedownload, fingerprintx, fullhunt, git, github_codesearch, github_org, gowitness, hackertarget, httpx, hunt, hunterio, iis_shortnames, internetdb, ip2location, ipstack, leakix, myssl, newsletters, nsec, ntlm, oauth, otx, passivetotal, pgp, postman, rapiddns, riddler, robots, secretsdb, securitytrails, shodan_dns, sitedossier, skymem, social, sslcert, subdomain_hijack, subdomaincenter, sublist3r, threatminer, urlscan, viewdns, virustotal, wappalyzer, wayback, zoomeye
passive57Never connects to target systemsaffiliates, aggregate, anubisdb, asn, azure_realm, azure_tenant, bevigil, binaryedge, bucket_file_enum, builtwith, c99, censys, certspotter, chaos, columbus, credshed, crobat, crt, dehashed, digitorus, dnscommonsrv, dnsdumpster, emailformat, excavate, fullhunt, github_codesearch, github_org, hackertarget, hunterio, internetdb, ip2location, ipneighbor, ipstack, leakix, massdns, myssl, nsec, otx, passivetotal, pgp, postman, rapiddns, riddler, securitytrails, shodan_dns, sitedossier, skymem, social, speculate, subdomaincenter, sublist3r, threatminer, urlscan, viewdns, virustotal, wayback, zoomeye
subdomain-enum47Enumerates subdomainsanubisdb, asn, azure_realm, azure_tenant, bevigil, binaryedge, builtwith, c99, censys, certspotter, chaos, columbus, crt, digitorus, dnscommonsrv, dnsdumpster, dnszonetransfer, fullhunt, github_codesearch, github_org, hackertarget, httpx, hunterio, internetdb, ipneighbor, leakix, massdns, myssl, nsec, oauth, otx, passivetotal, postman, rapiddns, riddler, securitytrails, shodan_dns, sitedossier, sslcert, subdomain_hijack, subdomaincenter, subdomains, threatminer, urlscan, virustotal, wayback, zoomeye
active40Makes active connections to target systemsajaxpro, badsecrets, bucket_amazon, bucket_azure, bucket_digitalocean, bucket_firebase, bucket_google, bypass403, dastardly, dnszonetransfer, ffuf, ffuf_shortnames, filedownload, fingerprintx, generic_ssrf, git, gowitness, host_header, httpx, hunt, iis_shortnames, masscan, newsletters, nmap, ntlm, nuclei, oauth, paramminer_cookies, paramminer_getparams, paramminer_headers, robots, secretsdb, smuggler, sslcert, subdomain_hijack, telerik, url_manipulation, vhost, wafw00f, wappalyzer
web-thorough29More advanced web scanning functionalityajaxpro, azure_realm, badsecrets, bucket_amazon, bucket_azure, bucket_digitalocean, bucket_firebase, bucket_google, bypass403, dastardly, ffuf_shortnames, filedownload, generic_ssrf, git, host_header, httpx, hunt, iis_shortnames, nmap, ntlm, oauth, robots, secretsdb, smuggler, sslcert, subdomain_hijack, telerik, url_manipulation, wappalyzer
aggressive19Generates a large amount of network trafficbypass403, dastardly, ffuf, ffuf_shortnames, generic_ssrf, host_header, ipneighbor, masscan, massdns, nmap, nuclei, paramminer_cookies, paramminer_getparams, paramminer_headers, smuggler, telerik, url_manipulation, vhost, wafw00f
web-basic17Basic, non-intrusive web scan functionalityazure_realm, badsecrets, bucket_amazon, bucket_azure, bucket_firebase, bucket_google, filedownload, git, httpx, iis_shortnames, ntlm, oauth, robots, secretsdb, sslcert, subdomain_hijack, wappalyzer
cloud-enum11Enumerates cloud resourcesazure_realm, azure_tenant, bucket_amazon, bucket_azure, bucket_digitalocean, bucket_file_enum, bucket_firebase, bucket_google, httpx, oauth, subdomain_hijack
affiliates8Discovers affiliated hostnames/domainsaffiliates, azure_realm, azure_tenant, builtwith, oauth, sslcert, viewdns, zoomeye
slow8May take a long time to completebucket_digitalocean, dastardly, fingerprintx, paramminer_cookies, paramminer_getparams, paramminer_headers, smuggler, vhost
email-enum7Enumerates email addressesdehashed, emailformat, emails, hunterio, pgp, skymem, sslcert
deadly4Highly aggressivedastardly, ffuf, nuclei, vhost
portscan3Discovers open portsinternetdb, masscan, nmap
web-paramminer3Discovers HTTP parameters through brute-forceparamminer_cookies, paramminer_getparams, paramminer_headers
iis-shortnames2Scans for IIS Shortname vulnerabilityffuf_shortnames, iis_shortnames
report2Generates a report at the end of the scanaffiliates, asn
social-enum2Enumerates social mediahttpx, social
service-enum1Identifies protocols running on open portsfingerprintx
subdomain-hijack1Detects hijackable subdomainssubdomain_hijack
web-screenshots1Takes screenshots of web pagesgowitness

BBOT Output Modules

BBOT can save its data to TXT, CSV, JSON, and tons of other destinations including Neo4j, Splunk, and Discord. For instructions on how to use these, see Output Modules.

ModuleTypeNeeds API KeyDescriptionFlagsConsumed EventsProduced Events
asset_inventoryoutputNoMerge hosts, open ports, technologies, findings, etc. into a single asset inventory CSVDNS_NAME, FINDING, HTTP_RESPONSE, IP_ADDRESS, OPEN_TCP_PORT, TECHNOLOGY, URL, VULNERABILITY, WAFIP_ADDRESS, OPEN_TCP_PORT
csvoutputNoOutput to CSV*
discordoutputNoMessage a Discord channel when certain events are encountered*
emailsoutputNoOutput any email addresses found belonging to the target domainemail-enumEMAIL_ADDRESS
httpoutputNoSend every event to a custom URL via a web request*
humanoutputNoOutput to text*
jsonoutputNoOutput to Newline-Delimited JSON (NDJSON)*
neo4joutputNoOutput to Neo4j*
pythonoutputNoOutput via Python API*
slackoutputNoMessage a Slack channel when certain events are encountered*
splunkoutputNoSend every event to a splunk instance through HTTP Event Collector*
subdomainsoutputNoOutput only resolved, in-scope subdomainssubdomain-enumDNS_NAME, DNS_NAME_UNRESOLVED
teamsoutputNoMessage a Teams channel when certain events are encountered*
web_reportoutputNoCreate a markdown report with web assetsFINDING, TECHNOLOGY, URL, VHOST, VULNERABILITY
websocketoutputNoOutput to websockets*



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