BDD Coder

A package devoted to agile implementation of class-based behavior tests. It consists of (see example):
- coders module able to
- make a tester package - test suite - blueprint from user story specifications in YAML files
- patch such tester package with new YAML specifications
- tester module employed to run such blueprint tests, which also has the ability to export their docs as YAML specifications
Although this package is intended to be used with pytest, until version 2.0.0 the base test case class for all test suits bdd_coder.tester.tester.BaseTestCase
was a unittest.TestCase
subclass. From version 2.0.0 unittest.TestCase
is no longer supported, so that pytest
's setup and teardown functions - see pytest-xunit_setup - should be implemented instead. See pytest-unittest on the benefits of dropping unittest.TestCase
See mastermind for an example testing a Django REST Framework API.
Test this package with tox - see tox.ini.
This package was born as a study of Behavior Driven Development; and from the wish of having a handy implementation of Gherkin language in class-based tests, to be employed so that development cycles start with coding a behavior test suite containing the scenario specifications in test case method __doc__
s - as bdd_coder.tester
In conjunction with bdd_coder.coder
, development cycles start with:
- A set of YAML specifications is agreed and crafted
- From these, a test suite is automatically created or patched
- New test step methods are crafted to efficiently achieve 100% behavior coverage
User Story (feature) specifications
Each test suite (tester package) has a structure
corresponding to a specifications directory with story YAML files
├─ some-story.yml
├─ another-story.yml
├─ ...
└─ this-story.yml
A story file corresponds to a test case class declared into
, consisting mainly of scenario declarations:
Title: <Story title> # --> class __name__
Story: |- # free text --> class __doc__
As a <user group>
I want <feature>
In order to/so that <goal>
Scenario name: # --> scenario __doc__
- Given an event $(1) with $(A) and $first_param that gives `x` and `y`
- When it happens that...
- And the parameters $second and $third enter
- Then finally we assert that...
# ...
# ...
Only the keys Title
, Story
, Scenarios
are required and mean something.
Step declarations
A scenario declaration consists of a list of step declarations, which:
- Correspond to a test step method to be defined
- Start with a whole word - normally 'Given', 'When', or 'Then' - that is ignored by the tester (only order matters)
- May contain:
- Input string values as $(...), which are passed as Pytest fixture parameters to the step method, so that they are available from the Pytest
fixture as the tuple request.param
- Input parameter names as $param_name, which are passed to Pytest's parametrize
- Output variable name sequence using backticks - if non-empty, the method should return the output values as a tuple, which are collected by the
decorator instance, by name into its outputs
map of sequences
- May refer to a scenario name, either belonging to the same class (story), or to an inherited class
The core of each test suite consists of the following required class declaration in its
from bdd_coder import decorators
from bdd_coder import tester
gherkin = decorators.Gherkin(logs_path='example/tests/bdd_runs.log')
class BddTester(tester.BddTester):
The decorated BddTester subclass of this tester package.
It manages scenario runs. All test classes inherit from this one,
so generic test methods for this package are expected to be defined here
Then, story test cases are declared in
, with the base
module imported, scenario declarations such as
class StoryTitle(BddTesterSubclass, AnotherBddTesterSubclass):
@base.gherkin.scenario(['param1_value1'], ['param1_value2'])
def test_scenario_name(self):
Given $(input1) and $param1 step one gives `x` and `y`
Last step with $(input2) gives `result`
that will run according to their __doc__
s, and the necessary step method definitions.
Export test suite docs as YAML
usage: bdd-make-yaml-specs [-h] [--overwrite] test_module specs_path
positional arguments:
test_module str. Passed to `importlib.import_module`
specs_path str. Will try to write the YAML files in here
keyword arguments:
--overwrite, -o
Additionally, validates code against generated specifications.
Coder commands
Make a test suite blueprint
usage: bdd-blueprint [-h] [--base-class BASE_CLASS]
[--specs-path SPECS_PATH] [--tests-path TESTS_PATH]
[--test-module-name TEST_MODULE_NAME] [--overwrite]
keyword arguments:
--base-class BASE_CLASS, -b BASE_CLASS
str. Base test case class
--specs-path SPECS_PATH, -s SPECS_PATH
str. Default: behaviour/specs. Directory containing the YAML specs
--tests-path TESTS_PATH, -t TESTS_PATH
str. Default: next to specs
--test-module-name TEST_MODULE_NAME, -tm TEST_MODULE_NAME
str. Default: stories. Name for test_<name>.py
--overwrite, -o
The following:
bdd-coder$ bdd-blueprint -s example/specs -t example/tests --overwrite
will rewrite example/tests (with no changes if example/specs is unmodified), and run pytest
on the blueprint yielding the output, like
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform [...]
collecting ... collected 2 items
example/tests/ PASSED [ 50%]
example/tests/ PASSED [100%]
=========================== 2 passed in 0.04 seconds ===========================
Patch a test suite with new specifications
Use this command in order to update a tester package with new YAML specifications. It removes scenario declarations only; it changes the scenario set, which may imply a new test class hierarchy with new stories and scenarios; it adds the necessary step methods, and new aliases (if any).
usage: bdd-patch [-h] test_module [specs_path]
positional arguments:
test_module str. Passed to `importlib.import_module`
specs_path str. Directory to take new specs from. Default: specs/ next to test package
The following:
bdd-coder$ bdd-patch example.tests.test_stories example/new_specs
will turn example/tests into example/new_tests, and run pytest
on the suite yielding something like
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform [...]
collecting ... collected 3 items
example/tests/ PASSED [ 33%]
example/tests/ PASSED [ 66%]
example/tests/ PASSED [100%]
=========================== 3 passed in 0.04 seconds ===========================