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BioSimulators-compliant command-line interface to the
PySCeS <http://pysces.sourceforge.net/>
__ simulation program.
This command-line interface and Docker image enable users to use PySCeS
to execute COMBINE/OMEX archives <https://combinearchive.org/>
__ that
describe one or more simulation experiments (in SED-ML format <https://sed-ml.org>
) of one or more models (in SBML format <http://sbml.org]>
A list of the algorithms and algorithm parameters supported by PySCeS is
available at
BioSimulators <https://biosimulators.org/simulators/pysces>
A simple web application and web service for using PySCeS to execute
COMBINE/OMEX archives is also available at
runBioSimulations <https://run.biosimulations.org>
Install Python package
pip install biosimulators-pysces
Install Docker image
docker pull ghcr.io/biosimulators/pysces
Local usage
usage: biosimulators-pysces [-h] [-d] [-q] -i ARCHIVE [-o OUT_DIR] [-v]
BioSimulators-compliant command-line interface to the PySCeS simulation program <http://pysces.sourceforge.net/>.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d, --debug full application debug mode
-q, --quiet suppress all console output
-i ARCHIVE, --archive ARCHIVE
Path to OMEX file which contains one or more SED-ML-
encoded simulation experiments
-o OUT_DIR, --out-dir OUT_DIR
Directory to save outputs
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
Usage through Docker container
The entrypoint to the Docker image supports the same command-line
interface described above.
For example, the following command could be used to use the Docker image
to execute the COMBINE/OMEX archive ./modeling-study.omex
and save
its outputs to ./
docker run
--mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)",target=/root/in,readonly
--mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)",target=/root/out
-i /root/in/modeling-study.omex
-o /root/out
Documentation is available at
This package is released under the MIT license <LICENSE>
Development team
This package was developed by the Center for Reproducible Biomedical Modeling <http://reproduciblebiomodels.org>
__ and the Karr Lab <https://www.karrlab.org>
__ at the Icahn School of Medicine at
Mount Sinai in New York with assistance from the contributors listed
Questions and comments
Please contact the BioSimulators Team <mailto:info@biosimulators.org>
__ with any questions or comments.
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.. |PyPI| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/biosimulators_pysces
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.. |Test coverage| image:: https://codecov.io/gh/biosimulators/Biosimulators_PySCeS/branch/dev/graph/badge.svg
:target: https://codecov.io/gh/biosimulators/Biosimulators_PySCeS
.. |All Contributors| image:: https://img.shields.io/github/all-contributors/biosimulators/Biosimulators_PySCeS/HEAD
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