Bitcoin Improvement Proposal - 0038 / BIP38
A Python library for the implementation of Bitcoin Improvement Proposal - 0038 / (BIP38) protocol.
This library supports both No EC-multiply and EC-multiply modes and is compatible with over 150+ cryptocurrencies.
It's specifically tailored for Pay-to-PubKey-Hash (P2PKH) address types.
For more info see the Passphrase-protected private key - BIP38 spec.
The easiest way to install bip38
is via pip:
pip install bip38
If you want to run the latest version of the code, you can install from the git:
pip install git+ssh://
Quick Usage
no EC multiply:
from typing import List
import json
from bip38 import BIP38
from bip38.cryptocurrencies import Bitcoin as Cryptocurrency
from bip38.wif import private_key_to_wif
PRIVATE_KEY: str = "cbf4b9f70470856bb4f40f80b87edb90865997ffee6df315ab166d713af433a5"
PASSPHRASE: str = "bip38"
NETWORK:str = "mainnet"
DETAIL: bool = True
bip38: BIP38 = BIP38(
cryptocurrency=Cryptocurrency, network=NETWORK
WIFs: List[str] = [
private_key=PRIVATE_KEY, cryptocurrency=Cryptocurrency, network=NETWORK, wif_type="wif"
private_key=PRIVATE_KEY, cryptocurrency=Cryptocurrency, network=NETWORK, wif_type="wif-compressed"
for WIF in WIFs:
print("WIF:", WIF)
encrypted_wif: str = bip38.encrypt(
wif=WIF, passphrase=PASSPHRASE
print("BIP38 Encrypted WIF:", encrypted_wif)
print("BIP38 Decrypted:", json.dumps(bip38.decrypt(
encrypted_wif=encrypted_wif, passphrase=PASSPHRASE, detail=DETAIL
), indent=4))
print("-" * 125)
WIF: 5KN7MzqK5wt2TP1fQCYyHBtDrXdJuXbUzm4A9rKAteGu3Qi5CVR
BIP38 Encrypted WIF: 6PRVWUbm1BX3fNUTgZoCYj9VLAQzxB9daqVfr4TgbhxegTKoSz9jRDks9a
BIP38 Decrypted: {
"wif": "5KN7MzqK5wt2TP1fQCYyHBtDrXdJuXbUzm4A9rKAteGu3Qi5CVR",
"private_key": "cbf4b9f70470856bb4f40f80b87edb90865997ffee6df315ab166d713af433a5",
"wif_type": "wif",
"public_key": "04d2ce831dd06e5c1f5b1121ef34c2af4bcb01b126e309234adbc3561b60c9360ea7f23327b49ba7f10d17fad15f068b8807dbbc9e4ace5d4a0b40264eefaf31a4",
"public_key_type": "uncompressed",
"seed": null,
"address": "1Jq6MksXQVWzrznvZzxkV6oY57oWXD9TXB",
"lot": null,
"sequence": null
WIF: L44B5gGEpqEDRS9vVPz7QT35jcBG2r3CZwSwQ4fCewXAhAhqGVpP
BIP38 Encrypted WIF: 6PYNKZ1EBitZbP8ctdXG5xkpsFAtgd7c9JQdLCXqbhBRbANSnuUK6PgQdV
BIP38 Decrypted: {
"wif": "L44B5gGEpqEDRS9vVPz7QT35jcBG2r3CZwSwQ4fCewXAhAhqGVpP",
"private_key": "cbf4b9f70470856bb4f40f80b87edb90865997ffee6df315ab166d713af433a5",
"wif_type": "wif-compressed",
"public_key": "02d2ce831dd06e5c1f5b1121ef34c2af4bcb01b126e309234adbc3561b60c9360e",
"public_key_type": "compressed",
"seed": null,
"address": "164MQi977u9GUteHr4EPH27VkkdxmfCvGW",
"lot": null,
"sequence": null
EC multiply:
from typing import List
import json
import os
from bip38 import BIP38
from bip38.cryptocurrencies import Bitcoin as Cryptocurrency
PASSPHRASE: str = "bip38"
NETWORK: str = "mainnet"
DETAIL: bool = True
bip38: BIP38 = BIP38(
cryptocurrency=Cryptocurrency, network=NETWORK
KWARGS: List[dict] = [
{"owner_salt": os.urandom(8), "seed": os.urandom(24), "wif_type": "wif", "lot": None, "sequence": None},
{"owner_salt": os.urandom(8), "seed": os.urandom(24), "wif_type": "wif", "lot": 863741, "sequence": 1},
{"owner_salt": os.urandom(8), "seed": os.urandom(24), "wif_type": "wif-compressed", "lot": None, "sequence": None},
{"owner_salt": os.urandom(8), "seed": os.urandom(24), "wif_type": "wif-compressed", "lot": 863741, "sequence": 1},
{"owner_salt": "75ed1cdeb254cb38", "seed": "99241d58245c883896f80843d2846672d7312e6195ca1a6c", "wif_type": "wif", "lot": None, "sequence": None},
{"owner_salt": "75ed1cdeb254cb38", "seed": "99241d58245c883896f80843d2846672d7312e6195ca1a6c", "wif_type": "wif", "lot": 567885, "sequence": 1},
{"owner_salt": "75ed1cdeb254cb38", "seed": "99241d58245c883896f80843d2846672d7312e6195ca1a6c", "wif_type": "wif-compressed", "lot": None, "sequence": None},
{"owner_salt": "75ed1cdeb254cb38", "seed": "99241d58245c883896f80843d2846672d7312e6195ca1a6c", "wif_type": "wif-compressed", "lot": 369861, "sequence": 1},
for kwarg in KWARGS:
intermediate_passphrase: str = bip38.intermediate_code(
passphrase=PASSPHRASE, owner_salt=kwarg["owner_salt"], lot=kwarg["lot"], sequence=kwarg["sequence"]
print("Intermediate Passphrase:", intermediate_passphrase)
encrypted_wif: dict = bip38.create_new_encrypted_wif(
intermediate_passphrase=intermediate_passphrase, wif_type=kwarg["wif_type"], seed=kwarg["seed"],
print("Encrypted WIF:", json.dumps(encrypted_wif, indent=4))
print("Confirm Code:", json.dumps(bip38.confirm_code(
passphrase=PASSPHRASE, confirmation_code=encrypted_wif["confirmation_code"], detail=DETAIL
), indent=4))
print("BIP38 Decrypted:", json.dumps(bip38.decrypt(
encrypted_wif=encrypted_wif["encrypted_wif"], passphrase=PASSPHRASE, detail=DETAIL
), indent=4))
print("-" * 125)
Intermediate Passphrase: passphrasemG6Ae7PYWEuso54V4dMKFK7mpFPz4t1T1BhywtvNVt7E4xDM8Vq8xo68K1DdW9
Encrypted WIF: {
"encrypted_wif": "6PfQma2dv1Hov8kSobbZapHKA69g96oGWA8rwfcDP4ZKs4ncqPeJP23qnL",
"confirmation_code": "cfrm38V5Txsng8kFerZPprMH9LjHnDTv22JzroUqHwZN1B9xxoB6PU3UtC5o12wZspe21Uec33W",
"public_key": "049a25850934fd16bc108046a60794a18cf27ec32f1ad5de75d6571aecc889ff7f30135195c69931115a9f2bf4262ee1dba707021dacd4e0bf68da195f60727643",
"seed": "d937267be638947d6dc7971f9781ce61076847b490b2dd06",
"public_key_type": "uncompressed",
"address": "1QAWVYDpESZ2afxFnbWS5G64EQfzo2imNR"
Confirm Code: {
"public_key": "049a25850934fd16bc108046a60794a18cf27ec32f1ad5de75d6571aecc889ff7f30135195c69931115a9f2bf4262ee1dba707021dacd4e0bf68da195f60727643",
"public_key_type": "uncompressed",
"address": "1QAWVYDpESZ2afxFnbWS5G64EQfzo2imNR",
"lot": null,
"sequence": null
BIP38 Decrypted: {
"wif": "5KXXTS7ULYo1kxgirDgRfzviTEocKGLtTV9SUHHbRb7z2AEVYVB",
"private_key": "e155b57cb4d94ef4d2b5c32879ffaad851da0b20a10deb392c31404cc29637a4",
"wif_type": "wif",
"public_key": "049a25850934fd16bc108046a60794a18cf27ec32f1ad5de75d6571aecc889ff7f30135195c69931115a9f2bf4262ee1dba707021dacd4e0bf68da195f60727643",
"public_key_type": "uncompressed",
"seed": "d937267be638947d6dc7971f9781ce61076847b490b2dd06",
"address": "1QAWVYDpESZ2afxFnbWS5G64EQfzo2imNR",
"lot": null,
"sequence": null
Intermediate Passphrase: passphraseeX6YjBj1AXhiw28iQfnn1d5N6Lsf3crrsmxQMaHco4Kpzoymah46hP5bbQqRva
Encrypted WIF: {
"encrypted_wif": "6PgRJMfKzjt6puxjobszrdtDa4KeRT5dRNwSaqj8BtQAvsUJLz7XifLqxf",
"confirmation_code": "cfrm38V8kgweU6FKDGY1pMtucLfBTp5bD3QMd64GmRJtVR8ifZaynoLDW8kHY9rACq3Xvrdpe2R",
"public_key": "040bf1d82b01b2691aaf143991dbaf3cea58cafd74b4377536a1f4da684151151c44118b137652df3bc328c7bb07b9aefa94a6194e8a1b9034265100df99740819",
"seed": "73123c97834cc52fe937e29d33b86a12085a241e347dffc5",
"public_key_type": "uncompressed",
"address": "1Pd8Scd8KfhzLSzyLgMgLKc58tk9f3dnD5"
Confirm Code: {
"public_key": "040bf1d82b01b2691aaf143991dbaf3cea58cafd74b4377536a1f4da684151151c44118b137652df3bc328c7bb07b9aefa94a6194e8a1b9034265100df99740819",
"public_key_type": "uncompressed",
"address": "1Pd8Scd8KfhzLSzyLgMgLKc58tk9f3dnD5",
"lot": 863741,
"sequence": 1
BIP38 Decrypted: {
"wif": "5J3W72BqJ7YFEkJR8KuGmHRXdr8AJUnKT1oKp6hQAtx8bKVgmqU",
"private_key": "1e0223706880eebc96470b0629262e31a828992e0f531c6e4793cfee9d30a694",
"wif_type": "wif",
"public_key": "040bf1d82b01b2691aaf143991dbaf3cea58cafd74b4377536a1f4da684151151c44118b137652df3bc328c7bb07b9aefa94a6194e8a1b9034265100df99740819",
"public_key_type": "uncompressed",
"seed": "73123c97834cc52fe937e29d33b86a12085a241e347dffc5",
"address": "1Pd8Scd8KfhzLSzyLgMgLKc58tk9f3dnD5",
"lot": 863741,
"sequence": 1
Intermediate Passphrase: passphraseoCyP3atnoAxv9o8Nhfi7S6fsucu46s9wpDxS4cBGeVPhNQxSBrps3yR4P4Z7Mk
Encrypted WIF: {
"encrypted_wif": "6PnR1W6XPrx6RK4mgGCjwx3c24zs6peuyBiiKoYfwGpWoJw8A9HeiGz1wf",
"confirmation_code": "cfrm38VUHiVy4jMqxJHqQdsuaLkMN3LxdseumiHcQQMCnnYaRtkZ5oQEtfWdhnbGCjV1hXU7zqc",
"public_key": "02b12e27280a74e55d979d23eb2dc4c107028236512bdbdbed3ba0d3c139500522",
"seed": "ab0ed77af04c331801afcf61a27c787e7e27de179230d41e",
"public_key_type": "compressed",
"address": "17vbPdAUMftcA5qHXTVS6KiAWh3psHq8Kn"
Confirm Code: {
"public_key": "02b12e27280a74e55d979d23eb2dc4c107028236512bdbdbed3ba0d3c139500522",
"public_key_type": "compressed",
"address": "17vbPdAUMftcA5qHXTVS6KiAWh3psHq8Kn",
"lot": null,
"sequence": null
BIP38 Decrypted: {
"wif": "L4bxdGanNrHTkDHzQWAwn7y8KhVzAsuuXUzqK8Ah6822MbTy9HMt",
"private_key": "dc4eb85c52ad9d82152a0ecd9542202a164556eb1f444a59da5936269527278e",
"wif_type": "wif-compressed",
"public_key": "02b12e27280a74e55d979d23eb2dc4c107028236512bdbdbed3ba0d3c139500522",
"public_key_type": "compressed",
"seed": "ab0ed77af04c331801afcf61a27c787e7e27de179230d41e",
"address": "17vbPdAUMftcA5qHXTVS6KiAWh3psHq8Kn",
"lot": null,
"sequence": null
Intermediate Passphrase: passphrasedCiMgYvgiaHcR6kGF5SLANuCte7ggrupYpsLbe9kNtmqx4XQF2LGBiPZSbwGWk
Encrypted WIF: {
"encrypted_wif": "6PoNSsfzTSpKZreygc8DVCMTjFXVwMNw6ddpXSCkgYYWw3uHNXs2BRkx8M",
"confirmation_code": "cfrm38VXQMwDqnPHg3NB2G35qxgadVCfoC5SjntbhaBxAe5VX9sasVHqQHKV44XLLpJqy2z4iu6",
"public_key": "033c0c467652bb0f8227c014551af8cc3cd4c4f0984f712ddc94dc49723370b8e7",
"seed": "bad4ce4f6e1a6aa226cd89602d92c636d4ab23891808cc6e",
"public_key_type": "compressed",
"address": "1JkLXpEAwGBcViwwVDXfiURfd4dg8A4Qos"
Confirm Code: {
"public_key": "033c0c467652bb0f8227c014551af8cc3cd4c4f0984f712ddc94dc49723370b8e7",
"public_key_type": "compressed",
"address": "1JkLXpEAwGBcViwwVDXfiURfd4dg8A4Qos",
"lot": 863741,
"sequence": 1
BIP38 Decrypted: {
"wif": "L4KTQ9h5uUWy6r4tXC1wDCfGJbB31nX4Wmfz6FKHAjGxncnBLoh4",
"private_key": "d3d13893951d6256e5633f6a003936214c4b0e9f1211682af1df858464d9ea52",
"wif_type": "wif-compressed",
"public_key": "033c0c467652bb0f8227c014551af8cc3cd4c4f0984f712ddc94dc49723370b8e7",
"public_key_type": "compressed",
"seed": "bad4ce4f6e1a6aa226cd89602d92c636d4ab23891808cc6e",
"address": "1JkLXpEAwGBcViwwVDXfiURfd4dg8A4Qos",
"lot": 863741,
"sequence": 1
Intermediate Passphrase: passphraseondJwvQGEWFNrMBiUhdVNwLNdPDHBRrVZkVuH3dVubC4JcuxLnKWFep8uGwhth
Encrypted WIF: {
"encrypted_wif": "6PfXN4Up17PgFdoxEBVwAxRuaQ1UderDKQ2q6nGCrhLVPD7GS3awBfKtox",
"confirmation_code": "cfrm38V5qTEpyzqDDgry1mEmRPEn4xaXC74tKbH9jfSpHkfiud3SW9dRSmhZHuTwvW78eVUWwjx",
"public_key": "04bc2b0adc1106e45fa86a3507cbec5bc834c33780c7ae774b885ac50c8489fc481ae5198457e5733e3f91e2b68df10ba55fa0408a918e4f37e475591cfa41d31d",
"seed": "99241d58245c883896f80843d2846672d7312e6195ca1a6c",
"public_key_type": "uncompressed",
"address": "12NzK7AbrtY5evVfDb7nnM5DNtbjGKBB6g"
Confirm Code: {
"public_key": "04bc2b0adc1106e45fa86a3507cbec5bc834c33780c7ae774b885ac50c8489fc481ae5198457e5733e3f91e2b68df10ba55fa0408a918e4f37e475591cfa41d31d",
"public_key_type": "uncompressed",
"address": "12NzK7AbrtY5evVfDb7nnM5DNtbjGKBB6g",
"lot": null,
"sequence": null
BIP38 Decrypted: {
"wif": "5KZ2wb3ANziUbxcxLDq6nK854r6wF3qnxvk6rBVnKhdrRS3YcHb",
"private_key": "e4c27e23f2b243ca0cea2695362a48aaefba35951bcbaad9ebab1d7ab2a1b8e9",
"wif_type": "wif",
"public_key": "04bc2b0adc1106e45fa86a3507cbec5bc834c33780c7ae774b885ac50c8489fc481ae5198457e5733e3f91e2b68df10ba55fa0408a918e4f37e475591cfa41d31d",
"public_key_type": "uncompressed",
"seed": "99241d58245c883896f80843d2846672d7312e6195ca1a6c",
"address": "12NzK7AbrtY5evVfDb7nnM5DNtbjGKBB6g",
"lot": null,
"sequence": null
Intermediate Passphrase: passphraseb7ruSNPsLdQF6TuHGftP9MBJM9mzUFqEpr37Quzua67SzYyhXtgGg32Ukkif4w
Encrypted WIF: {
"encrypted_wif": "6PgD5Q4BChU5kScKdbcbmdUtkEu9fBTDkB6EHmErH4kRyzveKRodpHzimL",
"confirmation_code": "cfrm38V84rmYgaHJLLMVTcRmZwnBF7Jj9gShJpWMfsM16r7DS1paysBseVo7WhJ7BwZUfh9ts8a",
"public_key": "0433f3d09ee3059b559194833063993626c6ce1bb25c3d3ee4e9b2d02ff7c3c6206d526a30d072c167176af1c45bf7331057c2ebc6701e3aebb74acdb3c2b9a5e5",
"seed": "99241d58245c883896f80843d2846672d7312e6195ca1a6c",
"public_key_type": "uncompressed",
"address": "1NwyXJShcScbkpB9dUwPqR3fv39Krt9xqH"
Confirm Code: {
"public_key": "0433f3d09ee3059b559194833063993626c6ce1bb25c3d3ee4e9b2d02ff7c3c6206d526a30d072c167176af1c45bf7331057c2ebc6701e3aebb74acdb3c2b9a5e5",
"public_key_type": "uncompressed",
"address": "1NwyXJShcScbkpB9dUwPqR3fv39Krt9xqH",
"lot": 567885,
"sequence": 1
BIP38 Decrypted: {
"wif": "5JdgMq9wsmqtMJ7YD5vahf89vgHQgeAqJieAP2h664vUqxhMriv",
"private_key": "6b9c6a32ae3b9d5fc2050f69e9f9825fece3276e3c979ae16e20c12f971de115",
"wif_type": "wif",
"public_key": "0433f3d09ee3059b559194833063993626c6ce1bb25c3d3ee4e9b2d02ff7c3c6206d526a30d072c167176af1c45bf7331057c2ebc6701e3aebb74acdb3c2b9a5e5",
"public_key_type": "uncompressed",
"seed": "99241d58245c883896f80843d2846672d7312e6195ca1a6c",
"address": "1NwyXJShcScbkpB9dUwPqR3fv39Krt9xqH",
"lot": 567885,
"sequence": 1
Intermediate Passphrase: passphraseondJwvQGEWFNrMBiUhdVNwLNdPDHBRrVZkVuH3dVubC4JcuxLnKWFep8uGwhth
Encrypted WIF: {
"encrypted_wif": "6PnYeWbwUScx6DctoFqiJW2vDmsWCT6cVfwmjQXu8aTKLQ2aZfmin6RH6R",
"confirmation_code": "cfrm38VUic4gbBuLjvrDaXgwMeK42YR5zGLjpgNDF6p7Ro4EVAe9HkeDhzNZxJU9PCJ7PsbHy5s",
"public_key": "03bc2b0adc1106e45fa86a3507cbec5bc834c33780c7ae774b885ac50c8489fc48",
"seed": "99241d58245c883896f80843d2846672d7312e6195ca1a6c",
"public_key_type": "compressed",
"address": "1AUJ4rSiyRd7CmHo6K6n12QPpa1vKW2LaG"
Confirm Code: {
"public_key": "03bc2b0adc1106e45fa86a3507cbec5bc834c33780c7ae774b885ac50c8489fc48",
"public_key_type": "compressed",
"address": "1AUJ4rSiyRd7CmHo6K6n12QPpa1vKW2LaG",
"lot": null,
"sequence": null
BIP38 Decrypted: {
"wif": "L4tPZwEYQ5k4qJVhDqdJWzzCwyjCR1YMsrDEp5L33YMf8eKHmk5o",
"private_key": "e4c27e23f2b243ca0cea2695362a48aaefba35951bcbaad9ebab1d7ab2a1b8e9",
"wif_type": "wif-compressed",
"public_key": "03bc2b0adc1106e45fa86a3507cbec5bc834c33780c7ae774b885ac50c8489fc48",
"public_key_type": "compressed",
"seed": "99241d58245c883896f80843d2846672d7312e6195ca1a6c",
"address": "1AUJ4rSiyRd7CmHo6K6n12QPpa1vKW2LaG",
"lot": null,
"sequence": null
Intermediate Passphrase: passphraseb7ruSNDGP7cmpocKZC2U6hDfT4dFEPB2dpdr9UNjwwUW2tSYkKukFv4JNYnXAs
Encrypted WIF: {
"encrypted_wif": "6PoG6xLK7sgeZP8gPzNmFvmp4serw1MTprunK29YwbwnxsnU7Jmb6EpHqs",
"confirmation_code": "cfrm38VX3h421KiP57NBU3ohrBh1bAgBbMvqntvcqw6wfgq9EaBmDJxLx3Mq6hTmRxBnLzQa8kR",
"public_key": "03bf9c150cef682e643e4745a4bba70fd183bf1726e3dd45d76fef599b39a3e1fc",
"seed": "99241d58245c883896f80843d2846672d7312e6195ca1a6c",
"public_key_type": "compressed",
"address": "15u9QmfwXC5Hi9mK9qwHCuCdGCw1rPwmug"
Confirm Code: {
"public_key": "03bf9c150cef682e643e4745a4bba70fd183bf1726e3dd45d76fef599b39a3e1fc",
"public_key_type": "compressed",
"address": "15u9QmfwXC5Hi9mK9qwHCuCdGCw1rPwmug",
"lot": 369861,
"sequence": 1
BIP38 Decrypted: {
"wif": "L1HftYcdEQ3D7Vn6f1psXumjY5PLdtGLx781C2bLnzZcPFTM7gDQ",
"private_key": "7963113c7ec95bedb41d415e393ea07edcdb2fe9ab080faededd38b210b320ff",
"wif_type": "wif-compressed",
"public_key": "03bf9c150cef682e643e4745a4bba70fd183bf1726e3dd45d76fef599b39a3e1fc",
"public_key_type": "compressed",
"seed": "99241d58245c883896f80843d2846672d7312e6195ca1a6c",
"address": "15u9QmfwXC5Hi9mK9qwHCuCdGCw1rPwmug",
"lot": 369861,
"sequence": 1
To get started, just fork this repo, clone it locally, and run:
pip install -e .[tests,docs]
You can run the tests with:
Or use tox
to run the complete suite against the full set of build targets, or pytest to run specific
tests against a specific version of Python.
Feel free to open an issue if you find a problem,
or a pull request if you've solved an issue. And also any help in testing, development,
documentation and other tasks is highly appreciated and useful to the project.
There are tasks for contributors of all experience levels.
For more information, see the file.
Supported Cryptocurrencies
This module supports more than 150+ cryptocurrencies, including the following:
Name | Network | WIF Prefix | Address Prefix |
Adcoin | mainnet | 0xb0 | 0x17 |
Anon | mainnet | 0x80 | 0x582 |
Argoneum | mainnet | 0xbf | 0x32 |
Artax | mainnet | 0x97 | 0x17 |
Aryacoin | mainnet | 0x97 | 0x17 |
Asiacoin | mainnet | 0x97 | 0x17 |
Auroracoin | mainnet | 0x97 | 0x17 |
Avian | mainnet | 0x80 | 0x3c |
Axe | mainnet | 0xcc | 0x37 |
Bata | mainnet | 0xa4 | 0x19 |
BeetleCoin | mainnet | 0x99 | 0x1a |
BelaCoin | mainnet | 0x99 | 0x19 |
BitCloud | mainnet | 0x99 | 0x19 |
BitSend | mainnet | 0xcc | 0x66 |
Bitcoin | mainnet | 0x80 | 0x00 |
testnet | 0xef | 0x6f |
regtest | 0xef | 0x6f |
BitcoinAtom | mainnet | 0x80 | 0x17 |
BitcoinGold | mainnet | 0x80 | 0x26 |
BitcoinGreen | mainnet | 0x2e | 0x26 |
BitcoinPlus | mainnet | 0x99 | 0x19 |
BitcoinPrivate | mainnet | 0x80 | 0x1325 |
testnet | 0xef | 0x1957 |
BitcoinSV | mainnet | 0x80 | 0x00 |
BitcoinZ | mainnet | 0x80 | 0x1cb8 |
Bitcore | mainnet | 0x80 | 0x03 |
Blackcoin | mainnet | 0x99 | 0x19 |
BlockStamp | mainnet | 0x80 | 0x00 |
Blocknode | mainnet | 0x4b | 0x19 |
testnet | 0x89 | 0x55 |
Bolivarcoin | mainnet | 0xd5 | 0x55 |
BritCoin | mainnet | 0x99 | 0x19 |
CPUChain | mainnet | 0x80 | 0x1c |
CanadaeCoin | mainnet | 0x9c | 0x1c |
Cannacoin | mainnet | 0x9c | 0x1c |
Clams | mainnet | 0x85 | 0x89 |
ClubCoin | mainnet | 0x99 | 0x1c |
Compcoin | mainnet | 0x9c | 0x1c |
CranePay | mainnet | 0x7b | 0x1c |
Crave | mainnet | 0x99 | 0x46 |
Dash | mainnet | 0xcc | 0x4c |
testnet | 0xef | 0x8c |
DeepOnion | mainnet | 0x9f | 0x1f |
Defcoin | mainnet | 0x9e | 0x1e |
Denarius | mainnet | 0x9e | 0x1e |
Diamond | mainnet | 0xda | 0x5a |
DigiByte | mainnet | 0x80 | 0x1e |
Digitalcoin | mainnet | 0x9e | 0x1e |
Divi | mainnet | 0xd4 | 0x1e |
testnet | 0xd4 | 0x1e |
Dogecoin | mainnet | 0xf1 | 0x1e |
testnet | 0xf1 | 0x71 |
EDRCoin | mainnet | 0xdd | 0x5d |
Ecoin | mainnet | 0xdc | 0x5c |
Einsteinium | mainnet | 0xa1 | 0x21 |
Elastos | mainnet | 0x80 | 0x21 |
Energi | mainnet | 0x6a | 0x21 |
EuropeCoin | mainnet | 0xa8 | 0x21 |
Evrmore | mainnet | 0x80 | 0x21 |
testnet | 0xef | 0x6f |
ExclusiveCoin | mainnet | 0xa1 | 0x21 |
FIX | mainnet | 0x3c | 0x23 |
testnet | 0xed | 0x4c |
Feathercoin | mainnet | 0x8e | 0x0e |
Firo | mainnet | 0xd2 | 0x52 |
Firstcoin | mainnet | 0xa3 | 0x23 |
Flashcoin | mainnet | 0xc4 | 0x44 |
Flux | mainnet | 0x80 | 0x1cb8 |
Foxdcoin | mainnet | 0x80 | 0x23 |
testnet | 0xef | 0x5f |
FujiCoin | mainnet | 0xa4 | 0x24 |
GCRCoin | mainnet | 0x9a | 0x26 |
GameCredits | mainnet | 0xa6 | 0x26 |
GoByte | mainnet | 0xc6 | 0x26 |
Gridcoin | mainnet | 0xbe | 0x3e |
GroestlCoin | mainnet | 0x80 | 0x24 |
testnet | 0xef | 0x6f |
Gulden | mainnet | 0x62 | 0x26 |
Helleniccoin | mainnet | 0xb0 | 0x30 |
Hempcoin | mainnet | 0xa8 | 0x28 |
Horizen | mainnet | 0x80 | 0x2089 |
Hush | mainnet | 0x80 | 0x1cb8 |
IXCoin | mainnet | 0x80 | 0x8a |
InsaneCoin | mainnet | 0x37 | 0x66 |
InternetOfPeople | mainnet | 0x31 | 0x75 |
Jumbucks | mainnet | 0xab | 0x2b |
Kobocoin | mainnet | 0xa3 | 0x23 |
Komodo | mainnet | 0xbc | 0x3c |
LBRYCredits | mainnet | 0x1c | 0x55 |
Landcoin | mainnet | 0xb0 | 0x30 |
Linx | mainnet | 0xcb | 0x4b |
Litecoin | mainnet | 0xb0 | 0x30 |
testnet | 0xef | 0x6f |
LitecoinCash | mainnet | 0xb0 | 0x1c |
LitecoinZ | mainnet | 0x80 | 0xab3 |
Lkrcoin | mainnet | 0xb0 | 0x30 |
Lynx | mainnet | 0xad | 0x2d |
Mazacoin | mainnet | 0xe0 | 0x32 |
Megacoin | mainnet | 0xb2 | 0x32 |
Minexcoin | mainnet | 0x80 | 0x4b |
Monacoin | mainnet | 0xb0 | 0x32 |
Monk | mainnet | 0x37 | 0x33 |
Myriadcoin | mainnet | 0xb2 | 0x32 |
NIX | mainnet | 0x80 | 0x26 |
Namecoin | mainnet | 0x80 | 0x34 |
Navcoin | mainnet | 0x96 | 0x35 |
Neblio | mainnet | 0xb5 | 0x35 |
Neoscoin | mainnet | 0xb1 | 0x35 |
Neurocoin | mainnet | 0xb5 | 0x35 |
NewYorkCoin | mainnet | 0xbc | 0x3c |
Novacoin | mainnet | 0x88 | 0x08 |
NuBits | mainnet | 0x96 | 0x19 |
NuShares | mainnet | 0x95 | 0x3f |
OKCash | mainnet | 0x03 | 0x37 |
Omni | mainnet | 0x80 | 0x00 |
testnet | 0xef | 0x6f |
Onix | mainnet | 0xcb | 0x4b |
Particl | mainnet | 0x6c | 0x38 |
Peercoin | mainnet | 0xb7 | 0x37 |
Pesobit | mainnet | 0xb7 | 0x37 |
Phore | mainnet | 0xd4 | 0x37 |
Pinkcoin | mainnet | 0x83 | 0x03 |
Pivx | mainnet | 0xd4 | 0x1e |
testnet | 0xef | 0x8b |
PoSWCoin | mainnet | 0xb7 | 0x37 |
Potcoin | mainnet | 0xb7 | 0x37 |
ProjectCoin | mainnet | 0x75 | 0x37 |
Putincoin | mainnet | 0xb7 | 0x37 |
Qtum | mainnet | 0x80 | 0x3a |
testnet | 0xef | 0x78 |
RSK | mainnet | 0x80 | 0x00 |
testnet | 0xef | 0x6f |
Rapids | mainnet | 0x2e | 0x3d |
Ravencoin | mainnet | 0x80 | 0x3c |
testnet | 0x80 | 0x6f |
Reddcoin | mainnet | 0xbd | 0x3d |
Ripple | mainnet | 0x80 | 0x00 |
Ritocoin | mainnet | 0x8b | 0x19 |
Rubycoin | mainnet | 0xbc | 0x3c |
Safecoin | mainnet | 0xbd | 0x3d |
Saluscoin | mainnet | 0xbf | 0x3f |
Scribe | mainnet | 0x6e | 0x3c |
ShadowCash | mainnet | 0xbf | 0x3f |
testnet | 0xff | 0x7f |
Slimcoin | mainnet | 0x46 | 0x3f |
testnet | 0x57 | 0x6f |
Smileycoin | mainnet | 0x05 | 0x19 |
Solarcoin | mainnet | 0x92 | 0x12 |
Stash | mainnet | 0xcc | 0x4c |
testnet | 0xef | 0x8c |
Stratis | mainnet | 0xbf | 0x3f |
testnet | 0xbf | 0x41 |
Sugarchain | mainnet | 0x80 | 0x3f |
testnet | 0xef | 0x42 |
Syscoin | mainnet | 0x80 | 0x3f |
TOACoin | mainnet | 0xc1 | 0x41 |
TWINS | mainnet | 0x42 | 0x49 |
testnet | 0xed | 0x4c |
ThoughtAI | mainnet | 0x7b | 0x07 |
UltimateSecureCash | mainnet | 0xbf | 0x44 |
Unobtanium | mainnet | 0xe0 | 0x82 |
Vcash | mainnet | 0xc7 | 0x47 |
Verge | mainnet | 0x9e | 0x1e |
Vertcoin | mainnet | 0x80 | 0x47 |
Viacoin | mainnet | 0xc7 | 0x47 |
testnet | 0xff | 0x7f |
VirtualCash | mainnet | 0xc7 | 0x47 |
Vivo | mainnet | 0xc6 | 0x46 |
Voxels | mainnet | 0xc6 | 0x46 |
Wagerr | mainnet | 0xc7 | 0x49 |
Whitecoin | mainnet | 0xc9 | 0x49 |
Wincoin | mainnet | 0xc9 | 0x49 |
XUEZ | mainnet | 0xd4 | 0x4b |
Ycash | mainnet | 0x80 | 0x1c28 |
ZClassic | mainnet | 0x80 | 0x1cb8 |
Zcash | mainnet | 0x80 | 0x1cb8 |
testnet | 0xef | 0x1d25 |
Zetacoin | mainnet | 0xe0 | 0x50 |
ZooBC | mainnet | 0x80 | 0x00 |
eGulden | mainnet | 0xb0 | 0x30 |
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