The -j option lets you read json from the command line (-J to split a json list into multiple arguments)
privkey_to_pubkey : (privkey) -> pubkey
privtopub : (privkey) -> pubkey
pubkey_to_address : (pubkey) -> address
pubtoaddr : (pubkey) -> address
privkey_to_address : (privkey) -> address
privtoaddr : (privkey) -> address
add : (key1, key2) -> key1 + key2 (works on privkeys or pubkeys)
multiply : (pubkey, privkey) -> returns pubkey * privkey
ecdsa_sign : (message, privkey) -> sig
ecdsa_verify : (message, sig, pubkey) -> True/False
ecdsa_recover : (message, sig) -> pubkey
random_key : () -> privkey
random_electrum_seed : () -> electrum seed
electrum_stretch : (seed) -> secret exponent
electrum_privkey : (seed or secret exponent, i, type) -> privkey
electrum_mpk : (seed or secret exponent) -> master public key
electrum_pubkey : (seed or secexp or mpk) -> pubkey
bip32_master_key : (seed) -> bip32 master key
bip32_ckd : (private or public bip32 key, i) -> child key
bip32_privtopub : (private bip32 key) -> public bip32 key
bip32_extract_key : (private or public bip32_key) -> privkey or pubkey
deserialize : (hex or bin transaction) -> JSON tx
serialize : (JSON tx) -> hex or bin tx
mktx : (inputs, outputs) -> tx
mksend : (inputs, outputs, change_addr, fee) -> tx
sign : (tx, i, privkey) -> tx with index i signed with privkey
multisign : (tx, i, script, privkey) -> signature
apply_multisignatures: (tx, i, script, sigs) -> tx with index i signed with sigs
scriptaddr : (script) -> P2SH address
mk_multisig_script : (pubkeys, k, n) -> k-of-n multisig script from pubkeys
verify_tx_input : (tx, i, script, sig, pub) -> True/False
tx_hash : (hex or bin tx) -> hash
history : (address1, address2, etc) -> outputs to those addresses
unspent : (address1, address2, etc) -> unspent outputs to those addresses
fetchtx : (txash) -> tx if present
pushtx : (hex or bin tx) -> tries to push to
access : (json list/object, prop) -> desired property of that json object
multiaccess : (json list, prop) -> like access, but mapped across each list element
slice : (json list, start, end) -> given slice of the list
count : (json list) -> number of elements
sum : (json list) -> sum of all values