| Bonsai is an attempt to provide a miniature and refined representation
for the
| often cumbersome syntax trees and program models.
| This idea, of providing a smaller tree that is more or less the same
| is where the name comes from.
| This work started as part of an analysis tool that I am developing for
my own
| research. I am interested in analysing ROS
| robotics applications, which are often written in C++.
| Since free C++ analysis tools are rather scarce, I tried
| to come up with my own, using the Python bindings of the clang
| At the moment of this writing, I am aware that these bindings are
| in terms of AST information they provide.
| As this analysis tool developed, I realized that the C++ analysis
| are independent of ROS or any other framework, and that this kind of
| might be useful for someone else, either as is, or as a starting point
| something else.
| Bonsai provides an interface to represent, analyse or manipulate
| The model it uses is abstract enough to serve as a basis for specific
| implementations, although it focuses more on
| languages for now.
What to expect from bonsai:
- classes for the different entities of a program (e.g. variables,
functions, etc.);
- extended classes for specific programming languages (only C++ for
- parser implementations, able to take a file and produce a model
for C++); - extensible interface to manipulate and query the resulting model
(e.g. find calls for a function);
- a console script to use as a standalone application.
| Here are some instructions to help you get bonsai.
| Bonsai has been tested with Linux Ubuntu and Python 2.7,
| but the platform should not make much of a difference.
| Dependencies are minimal, and depend on what you want to analyse.
| Since at the moment there is only a single implementation for C++
| using clang 3.8, you will need to install libclang
and the
| clang.cindex bindings
| (pip install clang
) to parse C++ files. Skip this if you want to
| the library in any other way.
Method 1: Running Without Installation
| Open a terminal, and move to a directory where you want to clone this
| repository.
.. code:: bash
git clone
| There is an executable script in the root of this repository to help
you get started.
| It allows you to run bonsai without installing it. Make sure that your
terminal is at
| the root of the repository.
.. code:: bash
cd bonsai
python <args>
You can also run it with the executable package syntax.
.. code:: bash
python -m bonsai <args>
Method 2: Installing Bonsai on Your Machine
| Bonsai is now available on PyPi
| You can install it from source or from a wheel.
.. code:: bash
[sudo] pip install bonsai-code
| The above command will install bonsai for you. Alternatively, download
and extract its
| source, move to the project’s root directory, and then execute the
.. code:: bash
python install
| After installation, you should be able to run the command bonsai
in your terminal
| from anywhere.
| The
script at the root of this repository is a
small example on
| how to parse a C++ file and then find all references to a variable
in that file.
| In it, you can see parser creation
.. code:: python
parser = CppAstParser(workspace = "examples/cpp")
| access to the global (top level, or root) scope of the program, and
| a pretty string representation of everything that goes in it
.. code:: python
| getting a list of all references to variable a
, starting the
search from
| the top of the program (global scope)
.. code:: python
| and accessing diverse properties from the returned CodeReference
| such as file line and column (cppobj.line
, cppobj.column
), the
type of the
| object (cppobj.result
), what is it a reference of
| in this case a CodeVariable
) and an attempt to interpret the
program and
| resolve the reference to a concrete value
| Do note that resolving expressions and references is still
| and more often that not will not be able to produce anything useful.
| This is the pretty string output for a program that defines a class
| and a couple of functions.
class C:
void m(int a):
int x_ = None
x_ = 0
void m(int a):
a = (a + 2) * 3
this.x_ = a
int main(int argc, char ** argv):
C c = new C()
C * c1 = new C()
C * c2 = new C()
new C()
return 0
| The pretty string representation, as seen, is a sort of
pseudo-language, inspired
| in the Python syntax, even though the parsed program is originally in
| For more details on what you can get from the various program
entities, check out
| the source for the abstract model and then the language-specific
| implementation of your choice.
.. _ROS:
.. _clang.cindex bindings:
.. _PyPi: