
Query building for the postgresql prepared statements and asyncpg.
Lots of more powerful features, including full clause construction, multiple values, logic functions,
query pretty-printing and different variable substitution - below is just a very quick summary.
Please check the code and tests for examples.
Building Queries
Simple variable substitution:
from buildpg import render
render('select * from mytable where x=:foo and y=:bar', foo=123, bar='whatever')
>> 'select * from mytable where x=$1 and y=$2', [123, 'whatever']
Use of V
to substitute constants:
from buildpg import V, render
render('select * from mytable where :col=:foo', col=V('x'), foo=456)
>> 'select * from mytable where x=$1', [456]
Complex logic:
from buildpg import V, funcs, render
where_logic = V('') == 123
if spam_value:
where_logic &= V('foo.spam') <= spam_value
if exclude_cake:
where_logic &= funcs.not_(V('foo.cake').in_([1, 2, 3]))
render('select * from foo :where', where=where_logic)
>> 'select * from foo = $1 AND foo.spam <= $2 AND not(foo.cake in $3)', [123, 123, ['x', 'y']]
Values usage:
from buildpg import Values, render
render('insert into the_table (:values__names) values :values', values=Values(a=123, b=456, c='hello'))
>> 'insert into the_table (a, b, c) values ($1, $2, $3)', [123, 456, 'hello']
With asyncpg
As a wrapper around asyncpg:
import asyncio
from buildpg import asyncpg
async def main():
async with asyncpg.create_pool_b('postgres://postgres@localhost:5432/db') as pool:
await pool.fetchval_b('select spam from mytable where x=:foo and y=:bar', foo=123, bar='whatever')
>> 42
Both the pool and connections have *_b
variants of all common query methods:
& | AND |
` | ` |
= | = |
!= | != |
< | < |
<= | <= |
> | > |
>= | >= |
+ | + |
- | - |
* | * |
/ | / |
% | % |
** | ^ |
- | - |
~ | not(...) |
sqrt | ` |
abs | @ |
contains | @> |
contained_by | <@ |
overlap | && |
like | LIKE |
ilike | ILIKE |
cat | ` |
in_ | in |
from_ | from |
at_time_zone | AT TIME ZONE |
matches | @@ |
is_ | is |
is_not | is not |
for_ | for |
factorial | ! |
cast | :: |
asc | ASC |
desc | DESC |
comma | , |
on | ON |
as_ | AS |
nulls_first | NULLS FIRST |
nulls_last | NULLS LAST |
from buildpg import V, S, render
def show(component):
sql, params = render(':c', c=component)
print(f'sql="{sql}" params={params}')
show(V('foobar').contains([1, 2, 3]))
show(V('foobar') == 4)
AND(*args) | <arg1> and <arg2> ... |
OR(*args) | <arg1> or <arg2> ... |
NOT(arg) | not(<arg>) |
comma_sep(*args) | <arg1>, <arg2>, ... |
count(expr) | count(expr) |
any(arg) | any(<arg1>) |
now() | now() |
cast(v, cast_type) | <v>::<cast_type> |
upper(string) | upper(<string>) |
lower(string) | lower(<string>) |
length(string) | length(<string>) |
left(string, n) | left(<string>, <n>) |
right(string, n) | right(<string>, <n>) |
extract(expr) | extract(<expr>) |
sqrt(n) | ` |
abs(n) | @<n> |
factorial(n) | !<n> |
position(substring, string) | position(<substring> in <st ... |
substring(string, pattern, escape-None) | substring(<string> from <pa ... |
to_tsvector(arg1, document-None) | to_tsvector(<arg1>) |
to_tsquery(arg1, text-None) | to_tsquery(<arg1>) |
from buildpg import V, render, funcs
def show(component):
sql, params = render(':c', c=component)
print(f'sql="{sql}" params={params}')
show(funcs.AND(V('x') == 4, V('y') > 6))
show(funcs.position('foo', 'this has foo in it'))