Example project C++ for cmeel

This is an example project, to show how to use cmeel, and to provide tests for it
Test this
Binary wheels are published on PyPI for many Linux and mac OS flavors and architectures, so you'll probably be able to
install from binaries with python -m pip install cmeel-example
(don't forget to use an up-to-date pip
with python -m pip install -U pip
If pip can't find binaries for your platform, it will download the .tar.gz
source and build it for you.
If you really want to explicitely build it yourself:
python -m pip install git+https://github.com/cmake-wheel/cmeel-example.git
From shell:
cmeel-add 3 4
From python:
import cmeel_example
cmeel_example.cmeel_add(3, 4)