A portlet to be used within panels (see collective.panels) for creating carousels.
The carousel supports the following features:
- The carousel can be added to any page on the site, by just creating a panel, and
then add the carousel to the panel. In theory, the carousel could also be placed
in the left or right columns.
- The carousel supports several renderings. By default a dexterity behavior should
be used for creating carousel elements. The behavior can be added to any type,
i.e. a carousel can have elements of any time. Carousel elements can also
be marked using the carousel marker interface, in this case the "Dublin Core"
renderer will be used, but can be customized by registering a "carousel-renderer"
view (for the marker interface should work).
- The source of the elements in the carousel can vary. Currently, collections and
references can be used as a source of the elements.
- Basic styling of the different renderings.
- Better documentation.
1.1.3 (2018-01-31)
1.1.2 (27-11-2017)
- Added MANIFEST to include CHANGES.rst
1.1 (22-11-2017)
add option to specify an external uri in portlet.
External link will override reference.
add option to set timeout in portlet.
add new widgets from
only do rotation if we have more
than one item
allow picking old style Topics
add BBB for ATTopic
add Finnish localization
1.0 (30-12-2013)
Initial public release
- included the plone.behavior meta.zcml file,
so that we get access to the <plone:behavior /> ZCML directive.
- work with plone:master p.a.portlets