.. image:: https://travis-ci.org/collective/collective.prettyphoto.png
:target: https://travis-ci.org/collective/collective.prettyphoto
.. contents::
prettyPhoto_ is a jQuery based lightbox clone. It supports images,
it also add support for videos, flash, YouTube, iFrames and ajax.
It's a full blown media lightbox. The setup is easy and quick, plus the
script is compatible in every major browser.
This plugin has been tested and is known to work in the following
- Firefox 3.0+
- Google Chrome 10.0+
- Internet Explorer 6.0+
- Safari 3.1.1+
- Opera 9+
integrates prettyPhoto 3.1.5 into Plone.
Development focus is now set to Plone 4.x. Currently all 4.x versions
are tested on Travis CI
_. Plone 3.x is no longer officially supported.
Installing without buildout
Install this package in either your system path packages or in the
directory of your Zope instance. You can do this using
either easy_install or via the setup.py
Installing with buildout
If you are using buildout_ to manage your instance installing
collective.prettyphoto is even simpler. You can install
collective.prettyphoto by adding it to the eggs line for your instance::
eggs = collective.prettyphoto
After updating the configuration you need to run the bin/buildout
which will take care of updating your system.
collective.prettyphoto adds a new view for Collections and Folders:
Thumbnail view (prettyPhoto).
To use prettyPhoto for inline elements just add prettyPhoto
from the
styles menu in TinyMCE to the link.
collective.prettyphoto can be customized via property sheet (go to ZMI,
portal_properties, prettyphoto_properties).
pp_default (default)
normal (default)
opacity: value from 0.0
to 1.0
(default: 0.80
show_title: show the title for images?
(default: True
counter_sep: the separator for the gallery counter 1 "of" 2
(default: "/")
autoplay: automatically start videos?
(default: True
iframe_width: the width of the iframe
(must be percantage, default: 75%
iframe_height: the height of the iframe
(must be percantage, default: 75%
overlay_gallery: If set to true, a gallery will overlay the fullscreen image
on mouse over (default: False
, the bug (http://bit.ly/eKYdrF) is fixed
since 0.4.1 (pP 3.0.3) but your image url has to contain
(jpg|jpeg|png|gif) somewhere)
slideshow: interval time in ms, 0
to disable slideshow
(default: 0
autoplay_slideshow: automatically start slideshow?
(default: False
, only woks when slideshow > 0
deeplinking: rewrite the browser location to enable directlinks to
overlay images (default: False
social_tools: html markup for social links within image overlays
(twitter, FB, ...) (default: empty) see http://bit.ly/pDQ19A for detailed
Copyright and Credits
prettyPhoto_ is developed by Stephane Caron
(http://www.no-margin-for-errors.com) and is licensed under Creative
Commons Attribution 2.5.
Contributors (alphabetically)
- fRiSi
- hpeteragitator
- jensens
- petschki
- saily
- tmassman
.. _prettyPhoto: http://www.no-margin-for-errors.com/projects/prettyphoto-jquery-lightbox-clone/
.. _buildout: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/zc._buildout
.. _Travis CI
: http://travis-ci.org/collective/collective.prettyphoto
0.6 (2016-02-10)
- Fix zcml condition on Products.kupu
0.5 (2013-04-18)
Documentation updates
Upgrade to prettyPhoto 3.1.5
Add ui-tests using robotframework to validate views.
Add travis integration for Plone 4.3.x, Plone 4.2.x, Plone 4.1.x and
Plone 4.0.x. Plone 3.3.x cannot be tested with new layered testing structure
of plone.app.testing
and will never be testable on travis because they
don't and will never support Python 2.4.
So we changed primary focus of development to Plone >= 4.0.
Switchted to plone.app.testing
and added some basic installation tests.
Add egg-containing buildout and bootstrap.py
Use zcml:condition="installed plone.app.collection"
to switch to a new
GS profile which appends prettyphoto views to Collection instead Topic type.
Refactor GS profiles and depend each profile on a 'extended' profile which
hold generic stuff as registering css and js. Generic setup takes the first
profile which is found in folder, so this has to be alpha-sorted behind
[saily] (2012-09-12)
- more manifest packaging madness (2012-09-12)
- fix bug with sdist packaging
0.4.5 (2012-09-11)
corrected the global js-function
Made it possible to later (i.e. after ajax calls) bind prettyphoto
to images. thus we have a global js-function plonePrettyPhotoEnable now.
Also did some housekeeping, added integrated buildout, gitignore, ...
0.4.4 (2011-12-02)
- Added possiblity to provide custom markup by subclassing the
view that creates the prettyphoto configuration.
0.4.3 (2011-07-22)
Fixed parameter names used to configure prettyPhoto
and added autoplay_slideshow.
Previously titles have been shown although show_title
has been set to
in prettyphoto_properties
Finish update to 3.1.2 by updating css and images and adding the new pp_default
theme (which is the new default btw ;-)
0.4.2 (2011-07-13)
- Upgraded to prettyPhoto 3.1.2 and implemented two new properties:
deeplinking , social_tools
0.4.1 (2011-03-22)
Upgraded to prettyPhoto 3.0.3 .
This fixes thumbnails in overlay_gallery partly because the regular expression
now looks for a (jpg|jpeg|png|gif) within the whole url. if your originaly
linked images are completely without this, they still wont show up.
fixed overlay_gallery property defaults to "False"
0.4.0 (2011-02-23)
Upgraded to prettyPhoto library including it's css and image sprite to 3.0.1
to fix issues with jQuery 1.4.4 (see http://bit.ly/hxYUrt) which is shipped
with latest Plone 4 by default. This fixes #2.
Added default thumbnails for 'overlay_galleries' feature.
Added 'overlay_gallery' and 'slideshow' as additional configuration options
but disabled by default cause of a bug in jquery.prettyPhoto.js which avoids
displaying thumbnails not ending on (jpg|jpeg|png|gif).
See http://bit.ly/eKYdrF
0.3.3 (2010-12-20)
- Fixed iframe configuration (width was used for height too)
0.3.2 (2010-07-10)
Fixed install issue with Plone 4 (Large Plone Folder was removed).
Set version in metadata.xml to 1, since this has nothing to do with the package version.
0.3.1 (2010-05-19)
Fixed version numbers and missing upgrade steps.
Added custom browserlayer.
Upgrade to prettyPhoto 2.5.6
0.3 (2010-05-17)
- Don't fail when installing on sites w/o kupu (plone4 compatibility).
0.2 (2010-01-03)
0.1 (2009-12-29)
- Initial release