What is it?
collective.superfish integrates the jQuery Superfish plugin
_ into Plone.
Superfish is a really nice solution for dropdown menus using css, valid xhtml
and JavaScript which degrades gracefully if JavaScript is not available.
.. _jQuery Superfish plugin
: https://superfish.joelbirch.co/
Which Version is for me?
Since Version 2.0 collective.superfish
targets Plone 5 only.
If you want to use it on Plone < 5 then stay to the 1.x versions.
How do you use it?
This package behaves as a "drop-in" replacement for plone.global_sections
Just install it :)
Use Plone's Configuration Registry to change Superfish settings.
Filter for prefix ISuperfishSettings
to see available options.
For integrators you can set the following records in registry.xml
of your theme profile::
<records interface='collective.superfish.interfaces.ISuperfishSettings' prefix='superfish'>
<value key="add_portal_tabs">True</value>
<value key="menu_depth">2</value>
<value key="superfish_options">{ "delay": 800, "cssArrows": true }</value>
See https://superfish.joelbirch.co/options/ for a complete
list of available superfish_options
- Daniel Widerin
- Patrick Griffiths
- Dan Webb
- Joel Birch
- Harald Friessnegger (fRiSi)
- Peter Mathis (petschki)
2.1 (2023-05-05)
2.0 (2018-08-02)
2.0a1 (2017-11-24)
- migrate superfish resources to Plone 5 resource registry (see upgrade step)
- behave as "drop-in" replacement for global_sections
- add uninstall profile
- update superfish resources to 1.7.9 and hoverIntent to 1.9.0
1.1 (2016-06-23)
Update superfish.js from 1.7.3 to 1.7.5,
and hoverIntend from r7 (1.7.0) to 1.8.1
Don't break JS when jQuery is undefined. This happened for eg. on
wildcard.foldercontents folder_content view
1.0 - 2014-05-08
Update superfish.js from 1.4.8 to 1.7.3
and hoverIntent.js from r5 to r7
.. ATTENTION:: This update breaks css compatibility with the previous version!
Add default formatting for superfish menu based on the DEMO SKIN
in the superfish default css <https://github.com/joeldbirch/superfish/blob/master/dist/css/superfish.css>
to make it fit the Sunburst Theme
Superfish Menu Layout changed from
<li><span class="selected"><a .../></span></li>
<li class="selected"><a .../></li>
since javascript could not handle the
additional span tag for setting the .sf-with-ul
0.6 - 2010-08-11
0.5 - 2010-06-17
use official hoverIntent.js
_ with docstring and versioninfo
and replaced (function($){})(jQuery);
syntax so the script does not conflict with
collective.carousel (when both are merged to the same file by portal_javascript).
.. _official hoverIntent.js
: http://cherne.net/brian/resources/jquery.hoverIntent.js
0.4 - 2010-05-12
removed desc.replace(...) and added a custom entities method to fix #1.
don't use version in metadata.xml for the package version in setup.py.
the metadata version this is meant to reflect the version of the GS profile
and must not be mixed up with the package version. [fRiSi]
0.3 - 2010-03-17
Replace " with " to keep valid HTML if description contains quotes.
Made id-generation more resistent against duplicated id's. We now use
normalized urls to generate the item id. [saily]
added support to include portal_tabs in the superfish navigation by setting
in subclasses [fRiSi]
added some documentation targeted at integrators [fRiSi]
don't render superfish_init.js with inline=True
since this leads to
strange errors in
eg when adding a StaticText Portlet
AttributeError: 'DirContainedFileResource5' object has no attribute 'POST'
according to the resourceregistry documentation
_ it's better to set inline to False
in any case.
.. _resourceregistry documentation
: http://plone.org/documentation/kb/working-with-resourceregistries/registry-entry-parameters
Removed caching after some discussions with fRiSi.
We left the code but disabled it by default, enable it again uncommenting
the ram.cache line::
def render(self):
return self.index()
Displaying superfish menu only when installed in portal_quickinstaller by
adding a superfish-browserlayer through browserlayer.xml file. [saily]
Changed default values for 'interval' and 'timeout' of hoverIntent which
controls the show and hide process of the submenu. Read more about
configuration of hoverIntent here: http://cherne.net/brian/resources/jquery.hoverIntent.html
0.2 - 2009-06-12
Moved from full to safe compression for javascript files.
Removed unused class attributes for SuperFishViewlet.
Added caching to improve rendering performance.
0.1 - 2009-06-09
- Initial import and idea [saily]