Colorcet: Collection of perceptually uniform colormaps
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What is it?
Colorcet is a collection of
perceptually uniform colormaps for use with Python plotting programs like
holoviews, and
datashader based on the
set of perceptually uniform colormaps created
by Peter Kovesi at the Center for Exploration Targeting.
Colorcet supports Python 3.7 and greater on Linux, Windows, or Mac
and can be installed with conda:
conda install colorcet
or with pip:
python -m pip install colorcet
To work with JupyterLab you will also need the PyViz JupyterLab extension:
conda install -c conda-forge jupyterlab
jupyter labextension install @pyviz/jupyterlab_pyviz
Once you have installed JupyterLab and the extension launch it with:
If you want to try out the latest features between releases, you can get the latest dev release by installing:
conda install -c pyviz/label/dev colorcet
For more information take a look at Getting Started.
Learning more
You can see all the details about the methods used to create these
colormaps in Peter Kovesi's 2015 arXiv
paper. Other useful
background is available in a 1996 paper from
The Matplotlib project also has a number of relevant resources,
including an excellent
2015 SciPy talk, the
viscm tool for creating maps like the four in mpl, the
cmocean site collecting a set of maps created by viscm,
and the discussion of how the mpl maps were created.
Some of the Colorcet colormaps that have short, memorable names (which are probably
the most useful ones) are visible here:
But the complete set of 100+ is shown in the User Guide.