Custom widgets based on tkinter/ttk/ttkbootstrap libraries.
To be used in conjunction with tkinter, tkinter.ttk and ttkbootstrap.
Intends to help create widgets on the following formats:
. label + combobox
. label + combobox + button
. label + entry
. label + entry + button
. label + entry + combobox (for engineering applications)
. label + spinbox (including float spinbox)
. label + text
. label + spinbox
Creates a set of buttons with icons for regular methods, such as 'cancel', 'clear', 'help',
'no', 'yes', 'quit', 'save', and so on.
Also creates new style of buttons ("led" like buttons). The following are available:
. CheckLedButton
. LedButton
. RadioLedButton
Has three frames with additional properties:
. Collapsable frame
. Scrollable frame
. Vertical Collapsable frame
Includes toplevel widgets:
. ok/cancel message box
. yes/no message box
. progress bar message box
. success message box
. warning message box
. tooltip message box
. timed message box
Includes the entry validation required methods for "numbers only" and for maximum number of characters.
Includes autocomplete widgets, such as:
. Autocomplete Combobox
. Autocomplete EntryList
. Autocomplete LabelCombo