This CLI tool is used for uploading and managing Functions in CIM Database Cloud.
Information on how build Functions can be found in the Functions-SDK documentation:
Python 3.10+
$ pip install contactsoftware-functions-client
Before you can create environments or deploy Functions you need to login using your client-id and secret. Obtain your client credentials via the CONTACT Portal.
$ cfc login --client-id <client_id> --client-secret <client_secret>
The credentials will be stored in a configuration file. The storage location of the configuration file depends on the OS:
- Windows:
- Linux:
Manage Function environments
Functions are grouped into environments, which are the (Docker) container the code runs in. An environment contains a runtime for its specific programming language, the Function code and a configuration file describing the environment.
Create a new environment:
$ cfc env create <environment_name>
Display a list of all environments:
$ cfc env list
Display the details of an environment:
$ cfc env describe <environment_name>
Deploy Function code into an environment
To deploy Function code into an existing environment run:
$ cfc env deploy <environment_name>
Make sure you run the command from within the directory that contains the environment.yaml
configuration file.
Information on how to build Function code can be found in the documentation of the Functions-SDK: