GitHub Repo Automation Tool
This command line tool automates the process of initializing a local Git repository, creating a remote GitHub repository via the GitHub API, optionally adding a .gitignore
file, staging changes, committing, and performing the initial push to the remote repository.
- Initialize a local Git repository.
- Create a remote repository on GitHub.
- Optionally add a
- Stage changes.
- Commit changes.
- Push the initial commit to the remote repository.
- Python 3.x
- Git
- GitHub account and authorization token
python create-remote-repo -rn <repo-name> -gu <github-username> -t <github-token> -d <working-directory> [-i <include-gitignore>] [-p <private>]
python create-remote-repo -rn my-new-repo -gu myusername -t mytoken -d /path/to/working/directory -i y -p y
This command will:
- Initialize a Git repository in the specified local working directory.
- Create a remote repository named my-new-repo under the GitHub account myusername.
- Add a .gitignore file to the repository.
- Stage all changes.
- Commit the changes.
- Push the initial commit to the private remote repository.
CLI Arguments
-rn , --repo-name | The name of the remote repository you want to create. | Yes | None |
-gu , --github-username | The username of your GitHub account. | No | global_github_username |
-t , --github-token | Your GitHub authorization token. | No | global_github_token |
-d , --working-directory | The absolute path to the local working directory where the repository should be initialized. | Yes | None |
-i , --include-gitignore | Enter y if you want to add a .gitignore file to your repository, otherwise enter n . | No | n |
-p , --private | Enter y if you want to make the remote repository private, otherwise enter n . | No | n |
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.
Created and maintained by Kim Chung.