The command-line-interface (CLI) tool for CSLE.

- Python 3.8+
Development Requirements
- Python 3.8+
(for linting)flake8-rst-docstrings
(for linting docstrings)tox
(for automated testing)mypy
(for static typing)mypy-extensions
(for static typing)mypy-protobuf
(for static typing)types-PyYaml
(for static typing)types-paramiko
(for static typing)types-protobuf
(for static typing)types-requests
(for static typing)types-urllib3
(for static typing)sphinx
(for API documentation)sphinxcontrib-napoleon
(for API documentation)sphinx-rtd-theme
(for API documentation)pytest-mock
(for mocking tests)pytest-grpc
(for grpc tests)
To see the available commands, run:
csle --help
- Initialize management accounts
csle init
- List available containers, emulations, images, and networks:
csle ls --all
csle ls containers --all
- List running containers only
csle ls containers
csle ls emulations --all
- List running emulations only
csle ls emulations
- Inspect a specific emulation/container/image/network
csle ls <name>
- Start/Stop/Clean a specific emulation/container
csle start | stop | clean <name>
- Open a shell in a given container
csle shell <container-name>
- Remove a container, image, network, emulation, or all
csle rm <container-name> | <network-name> | <image-name> | <emulation-name> all
- Install emulations, simulations, the metastore, or Docker images
csle install emulations | simulations | derived_images | base_images | <emulation_name> | <simulation_name> | <derived_image_name> | <base_image_name> | metastore | all
- Uninstall emulations, simulations, the metastore, or Docker images
csle uninstall emulations | simulations | derived_images | base_images | <emulation_name> | <simulation_name> | <derived_image_name> | <base_image_name> | metastore | all
- Start trainnig job with a given id
csle trainingjob <id>
- Start system identification job with a given id
csle systemidentificationjob <id>
- Start data collection job with a given id
csle datacollectionjob <id>
csle start flask
csle start | stop grafana
csle start | stop prometheus
csle start | stop cadvisor
csle start | stop nodeexporter
csle start | stop hostmanagers
csle start | stop hostmanager
csle start | stop clientmanager
csle start | stop snortmanagers
csle start | stop snortmanager
csle start | stop elkmanager
csle start | stop trafficmanagers
csle start | stop trafficmanager
csle start | stop kafkamanager
csle start | stop ossecmanagers
csle start | stop ossecmanager
csle start | stop ryumanager
csle start | stop filebeats
csle start | stop filebeat
csle start | stop metricbeats
csle start | stop metricbeat
csle start | stop heartbeats
csle start | stop heartbeat
csle start | stop packetbeats
csle start | stop packetbeat
Available Commands
command | description | argument 1 | argument 2 | argument 3 | argument 4 | argument 5 | argument 6 | flags |
attacker | Opens an attacker shell in the given emulation execution | emulation_name | execution_id | | | | | |
clean | Removes a container, a network, an image, all networks, all images, all containers, all traces, or all statistics | all ,containers ,emulations ,emulation_traces ,simulation_traces ,emulation_statistics ,emulation_executions ,name | execution_id | | | | | |
em | Extracts status information of a given emulation | emulation_name | | | | | | --host (check status of host managers), --stats (check status of Docker stats manager), --kafka (check status of kafka), --snortids (check status of the Snort IDS), --clients (check status of client population) --executions (check status of executions) |
init | Initializes CSLE and sets up management accounts | | | | | | | |
install | Installs emulations and simulations in the metastore and creates Docker images | emulations , simulations , emulation_name , simulation_name , derived_images , base_images , metastore , all | | | | | | |
ls | Lists the set of containers, networks, images, or emulations, or all | containers , networks , images , emulations , all , environments , prometheus , node_exporter , cadvisor , statsmanager , managementsystem , simulations , emulation_executions , hostmanagers , clientmanager , snortmanagers , elkmanager , trafficmanagers , kafkamanager , ossecmanagers , ryumanager , filebeats , metricbeats , heartbeats , packetbeats , logfiles , logfile , emulation_description | | | | | | --all (list extended information), --running (list running entities only (default)), --stopped (list stopped entities only) |
rm | Removes a container, a network, an image, all networks, all images, or all containers | network_name , container_name , image_name , networks , images , containers | | | | | | |
shell | Command for opening a shell inside a running container | container_name | | | | | | |
start | Starts an entity, e.g. a container or the management system | prometheus , node_exporter , grafana , cadvisor , flask , nginx , docker , postgresql , container_name , emulation_name , all , statsmanager , training_job , system_id_job , image , hostmanagers , hostmanager , clientmanager , snortmanagers , snortmanager , elkmanager , trafficmanagers , trafficmanager , kafkamanager , ossecmanagers , ossecmanager , ryumanager , filebeats , filebeat , metricbeats , metricbeat , heartbeats , heartbeat , packetbeats , packetbeat | container_name (if the first argument corresponds to a container image), | | | | | --id (execution id), --no_clients (skip starting client population), --no_traffic (skip starting traffic generators), --no_beats (skip starting/configuring beats), --no_network (skip creating virtual networks) --ip (to start a service on a specific node) |
start_traffic | Starts the traffic and client population on a given emulation | emulation_name | execution_id | | | | | --mu (the mu paramter for the service time of the client arrivals), --lamb (the lambda parameter of the client arrival process), --t (time-step length to measure the arrival process), --nc (number of commands per client), --tsf (the time scaling factor for non-stationary Poisson processes),--psf (the period scaling factor for non-stationary Poisson processes) |
statsmanager | Starts the statsmanager locally | port | log_dir | log_file | max_workers | | | |
stop | Stops an entity, e.g. an emulation execution or a container | emulation_name , prometheus , node_exporter , cadvisor , grafana , flask , nginx , docker , postgresql , container_name , statsmanager , emulation_executions , all , hostmanagers , hostmanager , clientmanager , snortmanagers , snortmanager , elkmanager , trafficmanagers , trafficmanager , kafkamanager , ossecmanagers , ossecmanager , ryumanager , filebeats , filebeat , metricbeats , metricbeat , heartbeats , heartbeat , packetbeats , packetbeat | execution_id | | | | | --ip (to stop a service on a specific node) |
stop_traffic | Stops the traffic and client population on a given emulation | emulation_name | execution_id | | | | | |
systemidentificationjob | Starts a systemidentification job with the given id | job_id | | | | | | |
trainingjob | Starts a training job with the given id | job_id | | | | | | |
datacollectionjob | Starts a data collection job with the given id | job_id | | | | | | |
uninstall | Uninstall emulations and simulations from the metastore and removes Docker images | emulations , simulations , emulation_name , simulation_name , derived_images , base_images , metastore , all | | | | | | |
- Python 3.8+
Development Requirements
- Python 3.8+
(for linting)tox
(for automated testing)pytest
(for unit tests)pytest-cov
(for unit test coverage)mypy
(for static typing)sphinx
(for API documentation)sphinxcontrib-napoleon
(for API documentation)sphinx-rtd-theme
(for API documentation)
pip install csle-cli==<version>
$ pip install -e csle-cli
make install
$ pip install -e csle-cli --upgrade
git clone https://github.com/Limmen/csle
cd csle-cli
pip3 install -e .
$ pip install -r requirements_dev.txt
Development tools
Install all development tools at once:
make install_dev
pip install -r requirements_dev.txt
API documentation
The latest documentation is available at https://limmen.dev/csle/docs
Static code analysis
To run the Python linter, execute the following command:
flake8 .
# or (equivalently):
make lint
To run the mypy type checker, execute the following command:
mypy .
# or (equivalently):
make types
Integration tests
To run the integration tests, execute the following command:
# or (equivalently):
make unit_tests
To generate a coverage report, execute the following command:
pytest --cov=csle_cli
Run tests and code analysis in different python environments
To run tests and code analysis in different python environemnts, execute the following command:
make tests
Create a new release and publish to PyPi
First build the package by executing:
python3 -m build
make build
After running the command above, the built package is available at ./dist
Push the built package to PyPi by running:
python3 -m twine upload dist/*
make push
To run all commands for the release at once, execute:
make release
Author & Maintainer
Kim Hammar kimham@kth.se
Copyright and license
Creative Commons
(C) 2020-2025, Kim Hammar